Hi all,I am working on creating a ParaView Catalyst Adapter for cam5 (cesm 1.2.2) with the SE dynamic core. For this, I will need to convert the cubed-sphere grid to an VTK unstructured grid. I am trying to better understand how is the grid described in the simulation.It seems that each position is described by a (lon,lat) coordinate. Is there a document that describes the cubed-sphere grid and how it is implemented in the se module or cam5?I have seen:https://www.earthsystemcog.org/projects/dcmip-2012/cam-sesection: Information on the computational gridand indeed, for "-dyn se -hgrid ne16np4" it seems the 13826 values in the history file correspond to all the red dots in the picture.In the picture, it seems that dots are not equally spaced.Is that true?Thanks, Dan