hi,I found that CLM can run single point or regional simulations,so I wonder whether the coupled model(B1850,F….)can achieve the purpose?
The version is CESM2.1.3hi,I found that CLM can run single point or regional simulations,so I wonder whether the coupled model(B1850,F….)can achieve the purpose?
thanks for your reply!Yes!I mean for example,I want to run the coupled simulation of atmosphere and land in the region of China(70-120E,10-50N),is that unable?This is complicated. Are you thinking of a single atmospheric grid cell that has land, ocean, sea ice, etc? The short answer is we cannot do that currently in the CESM. Now, you can do the SCAM (single column CAM) coupled to the land model or a slab ocean model. However, not both. We can actually even do SCAM over sea ice. Regardless, one has to be very careful with the setup and the lateral boundary conditions in particular.