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create a curvilinear grid

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Christian Dold
New Member
My domain of interest comprises a grid of equal area in the northern hemisphere, i.e. a curvilinear grid. I noticed that mkscripgrid.ncl creates a SCRIPGRID file with rectilinear grid coordinates. Is there a way to create a curvilinear grid?

I tried it by forcing the curvilinear coordinates onto the SCRIPGRID file, but broke down with an error after the ninth map (or so), stating that a corner coordinate was wrong.

So our current workaround is to regrid the rectilinear surface and domain file to curvilinear with ESMF_regrid_with_weights and "neareststod". However, I am not sure, how regridding a regridded file (i.e., rectilinear products to curvilinear) affects the variables. The domain file looked reasonable, but the variables LATIXY and LONGXY in the surface data file were off compared to the original grid. SoI pushed the correct coordinates onot the surface file.

CLM5 accepted both, domain and surface file.

Any information on how to deal with curvilinear grids in CLM are much appreciated.
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