For our D&A study, we require daily values of ua, va, ta for the historicalNAT and historicalGHG and the anthro only experiments. The natural runs are probably b40.20th.nat.1deg.006 b40.20th.nat.1deg.008 b40.20th.nat.1deg.009 b40.20th.nat.1deg.011 b40.20th.nat.1deg.012
The GHG runs areb40.20th.ghg.1deg.006, b40.20th.ghg.1deg.008, b40.20th.ghg.1deg.012 The anthro only experiments are b40.20th.anthro.1deg.006 b40.20th.anthro.1deg.008 b40.20th.anthro.1deg.009 b40.20th.anthro.1deg.012We think these fall into the historicalMISC experiment. Can these be published on the ESGF?Thanks Michael
The GHG runs areb40.20th.ghg.1deg.006, b40.20th.ghg.1deg.008, b40.20th.ghg.1deg.012 The anthro only experiments are b40.20th.anthro.1deg.006 b40.20th.anthro.1deg.008 b40.20th.anthro.1deg.009 b40.20th.anthro.1deg.012We think these fall into the historicalMISC experiment. Can these be published on the ESGF?Thanks Michael