I run a regional simulation with clm5.0 at 0.5deg,
./create_newcase --case /work/n02/n02/ruxu/cesm/CESM/runs/test-region.20250108-1520 --compset 2000_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%BGC-CROP_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV --res CLM_USRDAT -run-unsupported
The regional surfdata is create with the CTSM5.1
./subset_data region --create-surface --create-mesh --create-domain --create-user-mods --lat1 -16 --lat2 16 --lon1 100 --lon2 130 --overwrite --verbose --inputdata-dir /work/n02/n02/ruxu/cesm/CESM/cesm_inputdata --outdir /work/n02/n02/ruxu/cesm/CESM/cesm_inputdata/ my_data_ctsm5.1
The setting for the experiment is as follow,
./xmlchange ATM_DOMAIN_FILE=domain.lnd.fv0.9x1.25_gx1v7_100.0-130.0_-16.0-16.0_c250101.nc
./xmlchange LND_DOMAIN_FILE=domain.lnd.fv0.9x1.25_gx1v7_100.0-130.0_-16.0-16.0_c250101.nc
./xmlchange LND_NX=34
./xmlchange LND_NY=25
./xmlchange ATM_NX=34
./xmlchange ATM_NY=25
Then I mofify the path under the below files: (all the files are attached):
When I start the simulation, the atm.log reported the below error:
(shr_dmodel_readstrm) file lb: /work/n02/n02/ruxu/cesm/CESM/cesm_inputdata//atm/datm7/atm_forcing.datm7.GSWP3.0.5d.v1.c170516/Solar/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Solr.1993-01.nc 1
(shr_dmodel_readstrm) ERROR in data sizes 720 360 248 850
ERROR: (shr_dmodel_readstrm) ERROR in data sizes
It seems that the forcing data is global, but I run regional simulation, according to our previous discussion, the regional simulation should use the global forcing? I am wonder if I miss some settings specificlly for regional simulation. When I set --res CLM_USRDAT, the same error existed.
I run a regional simulation with clm5.0 at 0.5deg,
./create_newcase --case /work/n02/n02/ruxu/cesm/CESM/runs/test-region.20250108-1520 --compset 2000_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%BGC-CROP_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV --res CLM_USRDAT -run-unsupported
The regional surfdata is create with the CTSM5.1
./subset_data region --create-surface --create-mesh --create-domain --create-user-mods --lat1 -16 --lat2 16 --lon1 100 --lon2 130 --overwrite --verbose --inputdata-dir /work/n02/n02/ruxu/cesm/CESM/cesm_inputdata --outdir /work/n02/n02/ruxu/cesm/CESM/cesm_inputdata/ my_data_ctsm5.1
The setting for the experiment is as follow,
./xmlchange ATM_DOMAIN_FILE=domain.lnd.fv0.9x1.25_gx1v7_100.0-130.0_-16.0-16.0_c250101.nc
./xmlchange LND_DOMAIN_FILE=domain.lnd.fv0.9x1.25_gx1v7_100.0-130.0_-16.0-16.0_c250101.nc
./xmlchange LND_NX=34
./xmlchange LND_NY=25
./xmlchange ATM_NX=34
./xmlchange ATM_NY=25
Then I mofify the path under the below files: (all the files are attached):
When I start the simulation, the atm.log reported the below error:
(shr_dmodel_readstrm) file lb: /work/n02/n02/ruxu/cesm/CESM/cesm_inputdata//atm/datm7/atm_forcing.datm7.GSWP3.0.5d.v1.c170516/Solar/clmforc.GSWP3.c2011.0.5x0.5.Solr.1993-01.nc 1
(shr_dmodel_readstrm) ERROR in data sizes 720 360 248 850
ERROR: (shr_dmodel_readstrm) ERROR in data sizes
It seems that the forcing data is global, but I run regional simulation, according to our previous discussion, the regional simulation should use the global forcing? I am wonder if I miss some settings specificlly for regional simulation. When I set --res CLM_USRDAT, the same error existed.