Cesm release only supports a fixed set of out-of-the-box compsets. So if I don't use any new data_mode and %phys fordifferent component, but just use a different forcing data set, do I need to define a new comset? Case 1: One out-of-the-box I compset is "I2000Clm50SpGs" which is driven by GSWP3v1 forcing. If I just want to drive the modelwith CruV7 forcing while keeping other components and physics uchanged (Cruv7 is one of the supported forcing, but the combination isnot supported out of the box), should I create a new compset? Or I just use "I2000clm50SpGs" to create the case,then changethe streams in "datm_in"? If I need to create a new compset, which file(s) I should edit? 2. case 2: similar to case 1, but use a forcing data which is not supported by cesm at all, such as MERRA2. I assume I should create a new compset following section 2.3 on https://esmci.github.io/cime/users_guide/compsets.html ? Any information is appreciated.