New Member
I am trying to match WACCM history variables with the description of "Stratospheric Aerosols" in "cam5_desc.pdf." Specifically, which WACCM history fields involve the gravitational settling of aerosols that could contribute to denitrification?
Our Goal: We are searching for a method to estimate the potential for deposition of nitrate to Greenland snow from wintertime denitrification in the polar stratosphere. We are not expecting to see much denitrification in these particular simulations but want to make sure we are interpreting WACCM correctly.
We are currently using cesm1_0_5 and F_SD_WACCM for the winter of 2000-2001.
Thanks for any clarification!
- 1) Is HNO3_NAT the only[/i] condensed HNO3 involved in PSC aerosol settling in WACCM?
- 2) What does HNO3_NAT include? [i.e., Is this variable meant to include both Type I NAT PSCs as well as the "NAT coating" and nitrate from N2O5 heterogeneous reactions associated with Type II PSCs.]
- 3) Does HNO3_NAT settle at the rate specified by VEL_NAT2? [i.e., What is the difference between "small nat" and "large nat" in VEL_NAT1 versus VEL_NAT2?]
- 4) What does "NAT large mode" refer to (e.g., RAD_LNAT)? Is there a "NAT small mode?" Is there a threshold radius specified for "NAT large mode" or does it depend on model state (e.g., temperature)? [The description in "cam5_desc.pdf" suggests that only NAT with median radii between 2-5 micrometers settle.
Our Goal: We are searching for a method to estimate the potential for deposition of nitrate to Greenland snow from wintertime denitrification in the polar stratosphere. We are not expecting to see much denitrification in these particular simulations but want to make sure we are interpreting WACCM correctly.
We are currently using cesm1_0_5 and F_SD_WACCM for the winter of 2000-2001.
Thanks for any clarification!