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Deriving Internal Temperature

Ajay Bhadran

Ajay Bhadran
New Member
Dear Consortium,

I have successfully installed and run the test case for version icepack1.4.0 in standalone mode. I am interested in obtaining the vertical temperature profile of ice within each layer. While reviewing the icedrv_diagnostics.f90 file, I did not find any options to output internal temperature data.

Could you please advise on the possibility of deriving the internal ice temperature for each layer?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Best regards
Ajay Bhadran


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Information on adding diagnostics to Icepack is here:

Computing the temperature from enthalpy depends on the ktherm choice. Here is a sample in icepack_therm_vertical.F90:

if (ktherm == 2) then
zTin(k) = icepack_mushy_temperature_mush(zqin(k),zSin(k))
zTin(k) = calculate_Tin_from_qin(zqin(k),Tmlts(k))