Hi Jim.At first I also thought the values were getting set in modal_aero_wateruptake_dr. But, for my case, tphysbc calls aerosol_wet_intr which has this call to modal_aero_wateruptake_dr: call modal_aero_wateruptake_dr(state, pbuf) So the optional argument variable dgnumwet_m is not used. Then, further down in tphysbc, radiation_tend calls aer_rad_props_sw which then calls modal_aero_sw, and that subroutine contains this block of code: ! loop over all aerosol modes call rad_cnst_get_info(list_idx, nmodes=nmodes) if (list_idx == 0) then ! water uptake and wet radius for the climate list has already been calculated call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, dgnumwet_idx, dgnumwet_m) call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, qaerwat_idx, qaerwat_m) else ! If doing a diagnostic calculation then need to calculate the wet radius ! and water uptake for the diagnostic modes call modal_aero_calcsize_diag(state, pbuf, list_idx, dgnumdry_m) call modal_aero_wateruptake_dr(state, pbuf, list_idx, dgnumdry_m, dgnumwet_m, & qaerwat_m, wetdens_m) endifBut for my case the call to rad_cnst_get_info returns list_indx=0, so you do the pbuf_get_field calls and you don't call modal_aero_wateruptake_dr. But apparently the pbuf_get_field for dgnumwet_m is returning non-zero values so that array got filled with values somehow. What am I missing?