New Member
Hi,working with a CIME enabled version of CESM (1.5_beta02), I've been able to get the FW5 case configured, built, and run on our NOAA Theia HPCS. However, I get the same batch system directives for both the case.run and case.st_archive files. Now that these two functions are separate jobs, what I'd like to be able to do is have the batch system directives be configured as shown here below, without manually editing these two files.for case.run:#PBS -q batch#PBS -l walltime=08:00:00#PBS -l procs={{ totalpes }} (using syntax mix from config_batch.xml, {{ totalpes }} will evaluate to an integer) for case.st_archive:#PBS -q debug#PBS -l walltime=00:10:00#PBS -l procs=1#PBS -l vmem=7G all other PBS directives used are common to both. My goal is to avoid having the researcher manually edit all these settings in one or the other file, to reduce errors.I've tried a syntax such as this, however it just puts both entries in both files: -q batch -q debug I also tried using a section lifted from the section () in the batch_system definition section, howerver then the new case would not even create. is there a way to configure files in the CIME framework that one can specify differing batch system directives based upon the job name? thanks,