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different time stamp for mosart output file


Tom Caldwell
I am trying a restart run. However, my run fails because it says it can't find

Looking at my restart path, I see that the mosart file has a different timestamp than the others in my startup run:


How do I get the file to have the correct timestamp?



Erik Kluzek
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
The problem is that MOSART is normally coupled on a 3-hourly frequency, so can't write a restart at 4 hours into the day. So you need to make sure you save the restarts somewhere on that 3-hourly frequency.

So I would start the run over and make sure REST_N and REST_OPTION produces restart files that will work for MOSART. And then you should be good going forward.


Tom Caldwell
Ok thanks. I'm going to run a full day. Then the mosart restart file should be on hour 0 of next day with the rest of the files.
I will let you know if it works.