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New Member
Has anyone seen this error before?

I'm running on mira with compset F_AMIP_CAM5 and resolution ne120np4_ne120np4. The job has run 24 years, and won't progress beyond 20940716.

Here's the error:
14661: interval was not found for col i 6
14661: (shr_sys_abort) ERROR: DUST_SEDIMENT_MOD:cfint2 -- interval was not found
14661: (shr_sys_abort) WARNING: calling shr_mpi_abort() and stopping
14661: Traceback:
14661: Offset 0x00000974 in procedure __shr_sys_mod_NMOD_shr_sys_abort, near line 287 in file shr_sys_mod.F90
14661: Offset 0x000006f0 in procedure __dust_sediment_mod_NMOD_cfint2, near line 288 in file dust_sediment_mod.F90
14661: Offset 0x000002d0 in procedure __dust_sediment_mod_NMOD_getflx, near line 218 in file dust_sediment_mod.F90
14661: Offset 0x00000384 in procedure __dust_sediment_mod_NMOD_dust_sediment_tend, near line 120 in file dust_sediment_mod.F90
14661: Offset 0x000015a0 in procedure __mz_aerosols_intr_NMOD_mz_aero_dry_intr, near line 1148 in file mz_aerosols_intr.F90
14661: Offset 0x00000420 in procedure *__mz_aerosols_intr_NMOD_mz_aero_dry_intr_stub_in___aerosol_intr_NMOD_aerosol_drydep_intr, near line 1 in file aerosol_intr.F90
14661: Offset 0x00000b88 in procedure __aerosol_intr_NMOD_aerosol_drydep_intr, near line 612 in file aerosol_intr.F90
14661: Offset 0x000016f8 in procedure __physpkg_NMOD_tphysac, near line 1447 in file physpkg.F90
14661: Offset 0x000002ec in procedure __physpkg_NMOD_phys_run2$$OL$$1, near line 1119 in file physpkg.F90
14661: Offset 0x000000c0 in procedure _xlsmp_DynamicChunkCall
14661: Offset 0x000006f0 in procedure ThdCode
14661: Offset 0x000000fc in procedure start_thread
14661: --- End of call chain ---


Try using SourceMods to replace the "cfint2" routine in dust_sediment_mod.F90 with the attached version (you'll have to edit the file; I only attached cfint2 by itself). I suspect that this error might be triggered by some other problem in the model (e.g. unreasonable pressures), but the attached version may help avoid this particular abort. Let me know whether or not this makes any difference.


Try using SourceMods to replace the "cfint2" routine in dust_sediment_mod.F90 with the attached version (you'll have to edit the file; I only attached cfint2 by itself). I suspect that this error might be triggered by some other problem in the model (e.g. unreasonable pressures), but the attached version may help avoid this particular abort. Let me know whether or not this makes any difference.


Jinqing ZUO
New Member
Try using SourceMods to replace the "cfint2" routine in dust_sediment_mod.F90 with the attached version (you'll have to edit the file; I only attached cfint2 by itself). I suspect that this error might be triggered by some other problem in the model (e.g. unreasonable pressures), but the attached version may help avoid this particular abort. Let me know whether or not this makes any difference.

Hi, Santos. I have faced the same problem. But I can't find the attached file you mentioned above. Could you send me a copy of this file? (my Email: Thank you very much!


Casey Patrizio
New Member
Hello, I am also getting this error. Does anyone know how the cfint2 routine should be edited or a more specific fix?