New Member
Dear all,I have a question about CESM-LE(Large Ensemble Project): case:b.e11.B20TRC5CNBDRD.f09_g16.XXXb.e11.BRCP85C5CNBDRD.f09_g16.XXX It's said that it's CN runs, so leaf area index has interanuul variability.As the head of the NC-files:the surface dataset is "surfdata_0.9x1.25_simyr1850_c110921.nc". Did this 2-D pft (fraction of 17 land types) applied for the whole period of 1850~2100?Or is it dynamic with the transient land cover change? In addition, does the runs for CMIP3/CMIP5 applied the same setting? Thanks! Best regards,Wen-Ying