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Dynamical Cores : Specifying Different Tracer advection schemes for every different tracer in the component list


New Member
Hi all, I am studying tracer transport in NCAR dynamical cores. I am trying to find out if there is a way I can somehow set different tracer algorithms to advect every different tracer I am defining in the model?(As an example, if I have 3 tracers, I want to advect them using 3 different advection algorithms)I am aware that there are parameters that can be used to configure the vertical remapping algorithms and horizontal time-stepping methods in these dycores, but I think these commonly apply to all the tracer constitutents that are being advected in the run.I know that there is a simple way to accomplish this for the GFDL dynamical cores, but so far I have been unable to find how to accomplish this in the NCAR dycores. Can anyone suggest an easy way to do this, rather than having 3 different model runs?Any help of this matter is deeply appreciated. Regards,Aman 


CSEG and Liaisons
CAM's dycore (which is responsible for tracer advection) must be specified at build time.  Three runs are required to use three different dycores. 


CSEG and Liaisons
CAM's dycore (which is responsible for tracer advection) must be specified at build time.  Three runs are required to use three different dycores. 


New Member
Hi Brian,Sorry for being vague in describing the problem. I am using the CAM-SE dycore(ne16_ne16_mg37). This dycore allows me to chose among different vertical and horizontal advection schemes like the Zerroukat monotonic splines (etc) for the vertical and the Kinnmark and Gray Runga-Kutta (RK) 4 stage (etc) for horizontal advection; by setting the se_vert_remap_q_alg and se_tstep_type parameters respectively . I want 3 different schemes to advect 3 different tracers(that I am defining myself) in a single run. Is there a way to accomplish this with a single run; or do I need to set up 3 different runs to use 3 different advection schemes to advect tracers?Thanks for the help. Regards,Aman


New Member
Hi Brian,Sorry for being vague in describing the problem. I am using the CAM-SE dycore(ne16_ne16_mg37). This dycore allows me to chose among different vertical and horizontal advection schemes like the Zerroukat monotonic splines (etc) for the vertical and the Kinnmark and Gray Runga-Kutta (RK) 4 stage (etc) for horizontal advection; by setting the se_vert_remap_q_alg and se_tstep_type parameters respectively . I want 3 different schemes to advect 3 different tracers(that I am defining myself) in a single run. Is there a way to accomplish this with a single run; or do I need to set up 3 different runs to use 3 different advection schemes to advect tracers?Thanks for the help. Regards,Aman


CSEG and Liaisons
CAM is only maintaining one run state.  So different runs would be needed for the different states that would be produced by changing the advection algorithm parameters. 


CSEG and Liaisons
CAM is only maintaining one run state.  So different runs would be needed for the different states that would be produced by changing the advection algorithm parameters. 