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dynamical processes included in DTCORE


Honghai Zhang
New Member

I have a question about DTCORE:long_name = "T tendency due to dynamical core"
I understand it's the total heating rate from the dynamical core, but it's not quite clear what specific dynamical processes are involved. I assume it should include advection, diffusion, mixing... Can someone elaborate on the specific processes involved, or better provide an expression for it? Thanks.



Cheryl Craig
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I spoke with our local dynamical core expert, and their response was: "All processes not represented in physics, i.e. tendencies from solving the dynamical core equations (for FV, SE and FV3 the primitive equations) which incl. any numerical filters to keep the model stable."


Neil Tandon
I was also looking for clarification about DTCORE. But the response relayed by Cheryl is confusing because in the primitive equations, the thermodynamic equation includes diabatic heating due to radiation and convection. That appears to contradict the statement that DTCORE includes "All processes not represented in physics." So does DTCORE include diabatic heating or not? I assume they meant to say that DTCORE is the temperature tendency computed from the *adiabatic* primitive equations, but I just wanted to make sure.


Cheryl Craig
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Our expert is out of town right now. I will let you know when he gets back with me about the answer to your question.


Cheryl Craig
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Our dycore expert returned and his answer follows:

"Correct that DTCORE is the tendency from solving the adiabatic primitive equations (since all diabatic processes are represented in physics it is the same as saying that "All processes not represented in physics" = dtcore). dtcore is computed by saving T at the end of physics (where T has been updated by physics) and subtracting this T from the T after the dycore has run."