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emission driven future simulation compset



I have a question regarding the differences between some compsets, more specifically regarding an emission driven setup compared to a concentration driven setup.
This difference is quite clear within the historical simulations as we have a compset for emission driven runs (BHIST_BPRP) and one for concentration driven runs (BHIST).
What is somewhat unclear to me however is in which category do the SSP simulations (e.g. BSSP2-2.6) belong to? When comparing the information given regarding these compsets to those of the 2 historical simulations mentioned before I can deduce that these are likely concentration driven (is this correct?) in which case my main question is the following: how can I construct an emission driven future simulation? From the compset descriptions found here (CESM2 Component Sets Definition) I would think that the only thing needed to be adapted are the flags for the ocean biogeochemistry (BGC CO2=diag, rad CO2=diag) but I assume this is probably too simplistic and there are some differences in the land model as well.

Could somoene give me some guidance on this?
Many thanks in advance!

ps: I am using cesm2.1.3.


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I am going to move this to the CAM forum. I am not sure if that is the right place.