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ENDRUN:SPMDINIT_DYN: less than 3 latitudes per subdomain


New Member

I am a new CAM user. I have compiled CAM3.1 with pgf90 (pgi/9.0-4), netcdf/3.6.2 and openmpi/1.3.3a to use on Linux x86_64 cluster, with spmd enabled. I have successfully ran T21,T31,T42,fv2x2.5,fv4x5 on 1 node with 8 cores. However, when running fv10x15, it fails and returns the following error message:

ENDRUN:SPMDINIT_DYN: less than 3 latitudes per subdomain

Similarly, when running fv4x5 on 2 nodes with 16 cores, I get the same error message.

My understanding is that the setup sends latitudinal bands to each core that have less than 3 latitude grid points, which fails when it comes to calculating finite volumes. I have seen in literature that people have run fv1.9x2.5 with up several 100 cores. What do I need to modify to do this? Is it possible to change the tiling so it tiles not only in latitude but in longitude as well?
Any help is welcome. Thanks


Cecile Hannay
AMWG Liaison
Staff member
CAM requires a minimum of 3 latitudes per MPI task. To run the model with more nodes, you need to use the namelist variable npr_yz that controls the decomposition.

The npr_yz namelist variable specifies the y,z and x,y domain decomposition.
If npr_yz is not set in the namelist then you are the default value which is:
npr_yz = n,1,1,n
where n is the number of MPI processes.


New Member
Thank you for the prompt answer. I was able to make it run that way.

Is it possible to also decompose (in the vertical) the spectral runs?

I am able to run spectral eulerian with a maximum number of cores equal to the number of latitudinal points of the model domain. I understand that due to the spectral calculations, it wouldn't be possible to decompose in longitude, but how about in the vertical?

I could not find much help on the parallel run configurations in the CAM user's guide. So any help or link toward a document that could shed some light on the process would be much appreciated.