I was troubled in porting CESM on a new server, since I was following the tutorial from Yonas (Installing, Porting & Running Community Earth System Model). But one error occurred since I started creating the new case, as shown below:
fuhao@tian-09:~/cesm/cime/scripts$ ./create_newcase --case /home/fuhao/cesm/scratch/test --compset QPC4 --res f45_f45_mg37 --run-unsupported
Compset longname is 2000_CAM40_SLND_SICE_DOCN%AQP3_SROF_SGLC_SWAV
Compset specification file is /home/fuhao/cesm/cime/../components/cam//cime_config/config_compsets.xml
Compset forcing is 1972-2004
ATM component is CAM cam4 physics:
LND component is Stub land component
ICE component is Stub ice component
OCN component is DOCN analytic aquaplanet sst - option 3
ROF component is Stub river component
GLC component is Stub glacier (land ice) component
WAV component is Stub wave component
ESP component is
Pes specification file is /home/fuhao/cesm/cime/../components/cam//cime_config/config_pes.xml
Compset specific settings: name is SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME and value is $DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_1x1_2000climo_c180511.nc
Machine is tian-09
ERROR: Expected one child
I also checked the question from mc Zhao (ERROR: Expected one child), but it's not suitable for my error, and I even don't know where this error oringed from.
So, please give me some advice on solving this problem, the files for machine and compilers defining are attached.
I was troubled in porting CESM on a new server, since I was following the tutorial from Yonas (Installing, Porting & Running Community Earth System Model). But one error occurred since I started creating the new case, as shown below:
fuhao@tian-09:~/cesm/cime/scripts$ ./create_newcase --case /home/fuhao/cesm/scratch/test --compset QPC4 --res f45_f45_mg37 --run-unsupported
Compset longname is 2000_CAM40_SLND_SICE_DOCN%AQP3_SROF_SGLC_SWAV
Compset specification file is /home/fuhao/cesm/cime/../components/cam//cime_config/config_compsets.xml
Compset forcing is 1972-2004
ATM component is CAM cam4 physics:
LND component is Stub land component
ICE component is Stub ice component
OCN component is DOCN analytic aquaplanet sst - option 3
ROF component is Stub river component
GLC component is Stub glacier (land ice) component
WAV component is Stub wave component
ESP component is
Pes specification file is /home/fuhao/cesm/cime/../components/cam//cime_config/config_pes.xml
Compset specific settings: name is SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME and value is $DIN_LOC_ROOT/atm/cam/sst/sst_HadOIBl_bc_1x1_2000climo_c180511.nc
Machine is tian-09
ERROR: Expected one child
I also checked the question from mc Zhao (ERROR: Expected one child), but it's not suitable for my error, and I even don't know where this error oringed from.
So, please give me some advice on solving this problem, the files for machine and compilers defining are attached.