We have successfully built and run CESM2.2 f19_g17 with B1850 compset. But when we change the resolution to T31_g37 or T31_gx3v5, the build step fails for undefined ncdata with an error: out=CAM build-namelist - ERROR: No default value found for ncdata.
Following the CESM forum, we edit the user_nl_cam file and defined ncdata='$CESMDATAROOT/inputdata/atm/cam/inic/cam_vcoords_L32_c180105.nc', analytic_ic_type = 'us_standard_atmosphere', and placed the downloaded cam_vcoords_L32_c180105.nc file in the inputdata/atm/cam/inic/ directory. This helped to complete the building process successfully.
However, the model run terminates with NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name error for reading ozone_strataero_cyclical_WACCM6_L70_CMIP6-piControl.001_y21-50avg_zm_5day_c180802.nc file. Perhaps a mismatch in the grid in defined ncdata is making this issue.
Any suggestion on using a relevant input ncdata or solving this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Following the CESM forum, we edit the user_nl_cam file and defined ncdata='$CESMDATAROOT/inputdata/atm/cam/inic/cam_vcoords_L32_c180105.nc', analytic_ic_type = 'us_standard_atmosphere', and placed the downloaded cam_vcoords_L32_c180105.nc file in the inputdata/atm/cam/inic/ directory. This helped to complete the building process successfully.
However, the model run terminates with NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name error for reading ozone_strataero_cyclical_WACCM6_L70_CMIP6-piControl.001_y21-50avg_zm_5day_c180802.nc file. Perhaps a mismatch in the grid in defined ncdata is making this issue.
Any suggestion on using a relevant input ncdata or solving this problem would be greatly appreciated.