I am running CLM5.0 in single-point mode.
I am using my own forcing data on longwave down. In user_nl_datm I set tintalgo to “coszen” for the solar stream. I then get the error message:
ERROR: lnd_import ERROR: Longwave down sent from the atmosphere model is negative or zero
I have checked my longwave down data, and there is no negative or zero values. If I set tintalgo to nearest, I don´t get the error.
In CLM5.0 user guide "coszen" is recommended for solar data. However, as my data i hourly, "nearest" should be okay, but I would like to understand why I get the error when using "coszen".
I am using my own forcing data on longwave down. In user_nl_datm I set tintalgo to “coszen” for the solar stream. I then get the error message:
ERROR: lnd_import ERROR: Longwave down sent from the atmosphere model is negative or zero
I have checked my longwave down data, and there is no negative or zero values. If I set tintalgo to nearest, I don´t get the error.
In CLM5.0 user guide "coszen" is recommended for solar data. However, as my data i hourly, "nearest" should be okay, but I would like to understand why I get the error when using "coszen".