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ERROR: LVD not found, all data is before yearfirst

Dear all:

I want to run standalone CAM5 with historical SST forcing. I had successfully performed FAMIPC5 compset running as the ccsm.exe type building.

Now I choose to build the model under atm/cam/bld/, the conventional cam build method. In this type run, I have successfully run with climate-sst.

I change several namelist parameters for running historical SST. I add sstcyc = .false. in atm_in, then change the sst data to

"" in

And set docn_ocn_in as:
dataMode = 'SSTDATA'
domainFile = '......./inputdata/atm/cam/ocnfrac/'
streams = ' 1850 1850 2009 '
vectors = 'null'

Then I change several timemgr paras as
atm_cpl_dt = 1800
restart_option = 'monthly'
start_ymd = 19790101
stop_n = 31
stop_option = 'nyears'

The above are the only namelist modification I changed, all other settings is generated by:

./build-namelist -csmdata .../inputdata -config config_cache.xml

The ERROR: LVD not found, all data is before yearfirst

after (seq_mct_drv) : Model initialization complete.


This is definitely a problem with the stream input file and/or stream data.

it looks like the dataset is 1850-2009 based on the name, i'll assume that.

and it looks like you want to start in 1979, right?

the stream input,

streams = ' 1850 1850 2009 '

is setting the stream align year to 1850, first year to 1850, and last year to 2009.
that looks ok. there should be more output in other log files, in particular, look in the
ocn.log file and see what's there.