My name is Chiru, I am working on cesm2.2.0.
I want to run a CLM5 simulation over India for that I subsetted the domain and surface files from global datasets for resolution of f09_g17 by using the getregional_datasets.pl script as shown below:
$GETREGDIR/getregional_datasets.pl -ne 40,100 -sw 0,60 -I sample_inlist -o sample_outlist
After successfully extracting the surface and domain files for India I created a case
create_newcase --case INDIA_01 --compset I1850Clm50SpCru --res f09_g17 --machine PADUM
vi env_run.xml
STOP_OPTION = "nyears"
STOP_N = "2"
I changed the ATM_DOMAIN_FILE="domain.lnd.fv0.9x1.25_gx1v7_India.221018.nc"
vi user_nl_clm
./case.build --skip-provenance-check
The case is submitted successfully, however, as soon as the job is started running the simulation is failing in the cesm.log file it is showing the error as mismatch of input dimension 2103 with expected value 802 for variable grid cell.
I am attaching the cesm.log, atm.log, lnd.log, env_run.xml, and user_nl_clm files for your reference kindly use the below link to get the files.
I would really appreciate your helpful information on this error.
I am new to CESM, and I want to analyze the soil moisture, and runoff data all over India to that which compsets should be suitable and how to proceed further can you please guide me in this.
My name is Chiru, I am working on cesm2.2.0.
I want to run a CLM5 simulation over India for that I subsetted the domain and surface files from global datasets for resolution of f09_g17 by using the getregional_datasets.pl script as shown below:
$GETREGDIR/getregional_datasets.pl -ne 40,100 -sw 0,60 -I sample_inlist -o sample_outlist
After successfully extracting the surface and domain files for India I created a case
create_newcase --case INDIA_01 --compset I1850Clm50SpCru --res f09_g17 --machine PADUM
vi env_run.xml
STOP_OPTION = "nyears"
STOP_N = "2"
I changed the ATM_DOMAIN_FILE="domain.lnd.fv0.9x1.25_gx1v7_India.221018.nc"
vi user_nl_clm
./case.build --skip-provenance-check
The case is submitted successfully, however, as soon as the job is started running the simulation is failing in the cesm.log file it is showing the error as mismatch of input dimension 2103 with expected value 802 for variable grid cell.
I am attaching the cesm.log, atm.log, lnd.log, env_run.xml, and user_nl_clm files for your reference kindly use the below link to get the files.
I would really appreciate your helpful information on this error.
I am new to CESM, and I want to analyze the soil moisture, and runoff data all over India to that which compsets should be suitable and how to proceed further can you please guide me in this.