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ERROR: Parsing error in ESMF_Profile.summary file

Ming Chen

Ming Chen
New Member
I am running CAM-MPAS to simulate a squall line occurred on 2020-04-29.

My initial time is 2020-04-28_06:00:00, so I specify

./xmlchange START_TOD=21600
./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=2020-04-28

The case died immediately with the error message in run.o file: "ERROR: Parsing error in ESMF_Profile.summary file"

And many PET.ESMF_logFile appears in run directory. They include error message like:

PET4604 (ice_comp_nuopc):(ModelAdvance) CICE clock not in sync with ESMF model clock
PET4604 ICE:src/addon/NUOPC/src/NUOPC_ModelBase.F90:2226 Failure - Passing error in return code
PET4604 ESMCI_FTable.C:832 ESMCI_FTableCallEntryPointVMHop Wrong argument specified

What are the possible reasons for the above errors?


New Member
FWIW, I strongly suspect this is an issue where the CICE clock starts at 0 for an initial run and the ESMF sync clock that comes from CIME has 21600 so some error check is encountered.

Try this sourcemod in ice_comp_nuopc.F90.

if (idate < 0) then
          if (my_task == master_task) then
             write(nu_diag,*) trim(subname),' ERROR curr_ymd,year_init =',curr_ymd,year_init
             write(nu_diag,*) trim(subname),' ERROR idate lt zero',idate
          end if
          call abort_ice(subname//' :: ERROR idate lt zero')
       myear = (idate/10000)                     ! integer year of basedate
       mmonth= (idate-myear*10000)/100           ! integer month of basedate
       mday  =  idate-myear*10000-mmonth*100     ! day of month of basedate
       msec = start_tod
       if (my_task == master_task) then
          write(nu_diag,*) trim(subname),' CMZcurr_ymd = ',curr_ymd
          write(nu_diag,*) trim(subname),' cice year_init = ',year_init
          write(nu_diag,*) trim(subname),' cice start date = ',idate
          write(nu_diag,*) trim(subname),' cice start ymds = ',myear,mmonth,mday,start_tod
          write(nu_diag,*) trim(subname),' cice calendar_type = ',trim(calendar_type)

Ming Chen

Ming Chen
New Member
Hi Colin,

Many thanks for the posts. To answer your questions:

(1) If I set START_TOD=0, the case can run successfully.

(2) There are a few different "ice_comp_nuopc.F90" located in various directories:


I modified the following two based on your suggestion:


Please let me know whether this is fine. The job is on the waiting queue and I will keep you updated about the result.

Thanks gain!


Ming Chen

Ming Chen
New Member
Hi Colin,
Folloiwng your suggestion, I modified the code ./components/cice/src/cicecore/drivers/nuopc/cmeps/ice_comp_nuopc.F90
The case was done successfully after the modification.
Thank you !