I've been continuing my 2-degree spinup of ctsm5.1.dev092, but the most recent segment (resuming at 1301-01-01) failed when reading
And from cesm.log:
That seems to be an actual error encountered during the FORTRAN
As far as I know, I haven't made any changes to
Here's the file:
. From lnd.log:
Attempting to initialize the land model .....
Attempting to initialize run control settings .....
Read in clm_inparm namelist from: lnd_in
ERROR: ERROR reading clm_inparm namelistERROR in controlMod.F90 at line 325
And from cesm.log:
36: ERROR: ERROR reading clm_inparm namelistERROR in controlMod.F90 at line 325
36:Image PC Routine Line Source
36:cesm.exe 00000000013EDFA6 Unknown Unknown Unknown
36:cesm.exe 0000000000F6C6A0 shr_abort_mod_mp_ 114 shr_abort_mod.F90
36:cesm.exe 00000000005B800F abortutils_mp_end 55 abortutils.F90
36:cesm.exe 000000000060E86B controlmod_mp_con 325 controlMod.F90
36:cesm.exe 00000000005D0BA7 clm_initializemod 97 clm_initializeMod.F90
36:cesm.exe 0000000000574CB2 lnd_comp_nuopc_mp 612 lnd_comp_nuopc.F90
36:libesmf.so 00002B665B209DEE _ZN5ESMCI6FTable1 Unknown Unknown
36:MPT ERROR: Rank 36(g:36) is aborting with error code 1001.
36: Process ID: 58477, Host: r5i1n18, Program: /glade/scratch/samrabin/spinup_ctsm5.1.dev092_I1850Clm50BgcCrop_f19
36: MPT Version: HPE MPT 2.22 03/31/20 15:59:10
That seems to be an actual error encountered during the FORTRAN
command, not a problem with any of the settings per se. Here's controlMod.F90
starting at line 325:
read(unitn, clm_inparm, iostat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) then
call endrun(msg='ERROR reading clm_inparm namelist'//errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__))
end if
As far as I know, I haven't made any changes to
, and it is present in the run directory. Any idea what the problem might be? Thanks in advance.Here's the file: