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Error running ctsm5.1.dev113 on Derecho

Jyoti Singh

Jyoti Singh
I am trying to run ctsm5.1.dev113 on Derecho for a case I set on Cheyenne. I followed this document describing moving CTSM on Derecho. Here are the steps I took:
cd /glade/work/jyotis/ctsm5.1.dev113

**git fetch --all**
**git merge release-cesm2.2.03**
git add Externals.cfg
git add Externals_CLM.cfg
git add cime_config/testdefs/testlist_clm.xml
git add doc/ChangeSum
git add src/main/histFileMod.F90
git add src/main/
git checkout release-cesm2.2.03 -- cime_config/testdefs/testlist_clm_nuopc.xml
git add cime_config/testdefs/testlist_clm_nuopc.xml

git commit


I am not trying to create a new case and an error pops up:

ERROR: Could not initialize machine object from /glade/work/jyotis/ctsm5.1.dev113/ccs_config/machines/config_machines.xml. This machine is not available for the target CIME_MODEL.

I see these notes for this tag ctsm5.1.dev113 in this document

Tags from about ctsm5.1.dev028 to ctsm5.1dev133 (i.e., near release-cesm2.2)Try Quickstart, but replace ctsm5.1.dev157 with release-cesm2.2.03.Only the intel compiler is supported on Derecho for this version.

The loaded compiler is intel/2023.0.0. How can I solve this error?


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Would you be able to update to the latest ctsm tag (ctsm5.1.dev166)? If not, perhaps @erik can help here.


Erik Kluzek
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member

From looking at the file in question, it doesn't have "derecho" listed inside it as a machine you can use. Hence the error. However, this means something went wrong in either the merge to release-cesm2.2.03 or with the externals that you are using.

So try three things here:

First, run manage_externals with the status option to just see what the state of externals is:

./manage_externals/checkout_externals -S

You can post what you see here. But, I would expect it to not show any issues with externals...

Second, compare your Externals to those in release-cesm2.2.03

git diff release-cesm2.2.03 Externals.cfg

I would expect them to be identical in this case...

Again you can post what you see...

Third, I've updated the document to say to use release-cesm2.2.04 rather than release-cesm2.2.03 as it said before. So you could update to release-cesm2.2.04. The main difference for externals is just an update for CDEPS. It won't fix the problem you currently see, but is likely the best to use
the latest release-cesm2.2 tag.

Jyoti Singh

Jyoti Singh
Thanks Erik. I have followed the first two steps.
Here are the outputs from the steps you suggested:
1: ./manage_externals/checkout_externals -S

Processing externals description file : Externals.cfg

While reading from '/glade/work/jyotis/ctsm5.1.dev113/Externals.cfg' [line 14]: option 'tag' in section 'cism' already exists

2: git diff release-cesm2.2.03 Externals.cfg

diff --git a/Externals.cfg b/Externals.cfg
index 9630cad83..89a85da09 100644
--- a/Externals.cfg
+++ b/Externals.cfg
@@ -8,7 +8,11 @@ required = True
local_path = components/cism
protocol = git
repo_url = GitHub - ESCOMP/CISM-wrapper: Community Ice Sheet Model wrapper for CESM
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+tag = cismwrap_2_1_95
tag = cism2_1_69_a
+>>>>>>> release-cesm2.2.03
externals = Externals_CISM.cfg
required = True

@@ -16,31 +20,95 @@ required = True
local_path = components/rtm
protocol = git
repo_url = GitHub - ESCOMP/RTM: River Transport Model, RTM, part of the Community Earth System Model
-tag = rtm1_0_72
+tag = rtm1_0_78
required = True

local_path = components/mosart
protocol = git
repo_url = GitHub - ESCOMP/MOSART: Model for Scale Adaptive River Transport, Mosart, part of the Community Earth System Model
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+tag = mosart1_0_45
tag = mosart1_0_37_1
+>>>>>>> release-cesm2.2.03
required = True

-hash = 45b7a85
+local_path = components/mizuRoute
protocol = git
-repo_url = GitHub - ESCOMP/CDEPS: Community Data Models for Earth Prediction Systems
-local_path = components/cdeps
+repo_url = GitHub - nmizukami/mizuRoute: Stand-alone river network routing model
+hash = 34723c2
+required = True
+tag = ccs_config_cesm0.0.38
+protocol = git
+repo_url = GitHub - ESMCI/ccs_config_cesm: CESM CIME Case Control System configuration files
+local_path = ccs_config
required = True

local_path = cime
protocol = git
repo_url = GitHub - ESMCI/cime: Common Infrastructure for Modeling the Earth
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+tag = cime6.0.45
tag = cime5.8.32.7
externals = ../Externals_cime.cfg
+>>>>>>> release-cesm2.2.03
+required = True
+tag = cmeps0.13.71
+protocol = git
+repo_url = GitHub - ESCOMP/CMEPS: NUOPC Community Mediator for Earth Prediction Systems
+local_path = components/cmeps
+required = True
+tag = cdeps0.12.65
+protocol = git
+repo_url = GitHub - ESCOMP/CDEPS: Community Data Models for Earth Prediction Systems
+local_path = components/cdeps
+externals = Externals_CDEPS.cfg
required = True

+tag = cpl7.0.14
+protocol = git
+repo_url = GitHub - ESCOMP/CESM_CPL7andDataComps: cpl7 data models
+local_path = components/cpl7
+required = True
+tag = share1.0.13
+protocol = git
+repo_url = GitHub - ESCOMP/CESM_share: CESM shared code
+local_path = share
+required = True
+tag = MCT_2.11.0
+protocol = git
+repo_url = GitHub - MCSclimate/MCT: Model Coupling Tookit
+local_path = libraries/mct
+required = True
+tag = pio2_5_7
+protocol = git
+repo_url = GitHub - NCAR/ParallelIO: A high-level Parallel I/O Library for structured grid applications
+local_path = libraries/parallelio
+required = True
+local_path = doc/doc-builder
+protocol = git
+repo_url = GitHub - ESMCI/doc-builder: This tool wraps the build command to build sphinx-based documentation
+tag = v1.0.8
+required = False
schema_version = 1.0.0