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Error when create_clone CESM experiments


New Member
Dear all, I have trouble when I tried to clone CESM experiments published in CESM2 Experiments, Data & Diagnostic Output using CESM2.2.0 model.
Firstly, I downloaded through svn tools.
Then I tried create_clone command
../cime/scripts/create_clone --clone ./b.e21.BHIST.f09_g17.CMIP6-historical.001/ --case ./b.e21.BHIST.f09_g17.CMIP6-historical.001_clone
I received the following responses:
distutils.errors.DistutilsFileError: can't copy '/home/CESM/cesm_2.2.0/cases/b.e21.BHIST.f09_g17.CMIP6-historical.001/env_workflow.xml': doesn't exist or not a regular file
I copied other cases's env_workflow.xml to my clone case while came new error
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/glade'
I don't know where the issue lies in. Any suggestion will be much appreciated. Thanks.More detailed error info is enclosed.


  • clone.txt
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CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
You are trying to clone to a different machine here and this is not supported. I would create a comparable case and try to make sure the namelists are complete (under CaseDocs).