Dear all:
I was testing a single PTS_MODE. Here is the commend I created the case:
./create_newcase -case testsingle -res f19_g16 -compset I -mach generic_linux_pgi -scratchroot /($RUNDIR) -din_loc_root_csmdata /($DATAROOT) -pts_lat 40.0 -pts_lon -105 -max_tasks_per_node 1
After configure and build, I submitted the job using qsub. And I got this error message in lnd.log.*
Successfully initialized variables for accumulation
reading restart file
Reading restart dataset
ERROR - setlatlon.F:Cant get variable dim for lat or lsmlat
ENDRUN: called without a message string
Where is the file setlatlon.F? Do I need to specify variable dimension?
Besides, I wonder with compet I (which is used in the User's Guide and has no specified year), why it is using a restart file ?
I was testing a single PTS_MODE. Here is the commend I created the case:
./create_newcase -case testsingle -res f19_g16 -compset I -mach generic_linux_pgi -scratchroot /($RUNDIR) -din_loc_root_csmdata /($DATAROOT) -pts_lat 40.0 -pts_lon -105 -max_tasks_per_node 1
After configure and build, I submitted the job using qsub. And I got this error message in lnd.log.*
Successfully initialized variables for accumulation
reading restart file
Reading restart dataset
ERROR - setlatlon.F:Cant get variable dim for lat or lsmlat
ENDRUN: called without a message string
Where is the file setlatlon.F? Do I need to specify variable dimension?
Besides, I wonder with compet I (which is used in the User's Guide and has no specified year), why it is using a restart file ?