Dear all,
I am currently running a single-point case (I2000CLM50BgcCruGs) for consecutive years with my own forcing data (modified CMIP6 dataset). I used the "GWSP3v1" for "DATM_MODE".
However, the temporal resolution of my own dataset is monthly, which means there is only one average value for a single month. Thus, I integrated all monthly values from year 2005 to year 2014 into a single file as a input file, named "". Time dimension=120 (12x10).
The domain files are successfully made by CESM tools. The ATM domain file has the same grids with forcing grids. lon: 96 to 103, lat: 37 to 43. nx=70, ny=60
The LND domain file is a single-point file.
Further, I modified the user_nl_datm and user_nl_clm to have a yearly output.
The streamfiles are also modified as shown below
However, once I submit the case, an error showed up with "ERROR: yd outside bounds 38.8555100000000". Does anyone can help me with this problem? and I am not sure whether my setups are correct. THANKS!!!
I am currently running a single-point case (I2000CLM50BgcCruGs) for consecutive years with my own forcing data (modified CMIP6 dataset). I used the "GWSP3v1" for "DATM_MODE".
However, the temporal resolution of my own dataset is monthly, which means there is only one average value for a single month. Thus, I integrated all monthly values from year 2005 to year 2014 into a single file as a input file, named "". Time dimension=120 (12x10).
The domain files are successfully made by CESM tools. The ATM domain file has the same grids with forcing grids. lon: 96 to 103, lat: 37 to 43. nx=70, ny=60
The LND domain file is a single-point file.
Further, I modified the user_nl_datm and user_nl_clm to have a yearly output.
The streamfiles are also modified as shown below
However, once I submit the case, an error showed up with "ERROR: yd outside bounds 38.8555100000000". Does anyone can help me with this problem? and I am not sure whether my setups are correct. THANKS!!!
atm.log.3865240.220629-152336.txt4.7 KB · Views: 4
user_nl_datm.txt894 bytes · Views: 3
user_nl_clm.txt1.5 KB · Views: 4
user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.TPQW.txt815 bytes · Views: 2
user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Solar.txt723 bytes · Views: 2
user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Precip.txt728 bytes · Views: 3
own forcing data.png25.2 KB · Views: 13
env_run.png28 KB · Views: 10
cesm.log.3865240.220629-152336.txt9.1 KB · Views: 3