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ESMF error when generating mapping data

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James King

James King
Hi all,

I'm trying to regrid some land use data onto a regionally-refined SE grid. Previously I did this on Cheyenne but it now doesn't seem to work on Derecho. Following the instructions in the readme in

<CESM root>/components/clm/tools/mksurfdata_map

I start by doing the following to generate the required mapping data:

cd ../mkmapdata
./ -f /glade/work/jamesking/MUSICA_REPO/ne0np4.UK_JAK_ne30x16/grids/ --res UK_JAK_ne30x16

Which returns the error:
Using user specified scrip grid file: /glade/work/jamesking/MUSICA_REPO/ne0np4.UK_JAK_ne30x16/grids/
Output grid resolution is UK_JAK_ne30x16
Hostname = derecho4
Machine derecho4 NOT recognized
Path to ESMF binary directory does NOT exist:
Set the environment variable: ESMFBIN_PATH

What should I set ESMFBIN_PATH to?



James King

James King
I do already have some mapping files I previously generated, in


But I don't know if these are the right ones for the task I'm trying to do (regridding SSP data) or how to specify these options in

./ -usr_mapdir /glade/work/jamesking/MUSICA_REPO/ne0np4.UK_JAK_ne30x16/maps -res usrspec ne0np4.UK_JAK_ne30x16


ERROR: unrecognized arguments: ne0np4.UK_JAK_ne30x16


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Those tools have not been ported to Derecho, we are using the new tool, mksurfdata_esmf, which doesn't require mapping files. I did go down the rabbit hole a bit though and found the following worked on Derecho using release-cesm2.1.4, at least it finished creating mapping files, I didn't try to create surface datasets with them.

Change #PBS -q regular to #PBS -q main in
setenv ESMFBIN_PATH /glade/u/apps/derecho/23.09/spack/opt/spack/esmf/8.6.0/cray-mpich/8.1.27/oneapi/2023.2.1/7haa/bin/
setenv CSMDATA /glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/inputdata/
setenv MPIEXEC /opt/cray/pe/pals/1.2.12/bin/mpiexec

setenv RES UK_JAK_ne30x16
setenv GRIDFILE /glade/work/jamesking/MUSICA_REPO/ne0np4.UK_JAK_ne30x16/grids/

module load nco
qsub -A PXXXXXXXX ./

James King

James King
Thanks Keith, I realise these hadn't been ported but wondered if anyone had a workaround. Will give this a try. In the meantime, which version of CESM would I need to get the new tool? If I need to install a new model to do this that's fine, as long as the files produced are still compatible with CESM2.1/2.2.




Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
You would need ctsm5.2.0 at a minimum. Although I don't think the new files would be compatible with CESM2.1/2.2. It might be possible to make them compatible, not sure.

James King

James King
Hi Keith,

As an update to this, I successfully ran following your instructions and created a load of mapping files. Before I ran mksurfdata_map to try generating CLM input data, I checked the namelist files I have used to do this previously (on Derecho) and noticed that has not generated a number of mapping files that the surfdata script appears to need. The relevant part of the namelist file is below with the missing files highlighted.

mksrf_fgrid = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_fpft = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_fglacier = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_fglacierregion = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_fsoicol = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_furban = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_fmax = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_forganic = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_flai = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_fharvest = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_flakwat = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_fwetlnd = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_fvocef = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_fsoitex = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_furbtopo = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_fgdp = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_fpeat = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'

map_fsoildepth = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_fabm = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_ftopostats = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_fvic = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'
map_fch4 = '/glade/work/jamesking/cesm2_2_derecho/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/'

I see that these are all really old files (2011 timestamp = generated when I was still in high school) so I wonder if they are still necessary or if I could swap in any of the new files I have? For example, I have mapping files to my new grid from 0.5x0.5, 5minx5min, and 10minx10min grids:

Thanks again,



Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Hmm. I was able to create a surface dataset using the mapping files and release-cesm2.1.4 on Derecho:


You can look at the namelist there also:


I did have to change the path to pft files and file names to pftcftdynharv.0.25x0.25.LUH2.histsimyr1850-2015.cdf5.c170629 in bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_clm4_5_tools.xml

I'm not sure why release-cesm2.1.4 is apparently requiring fewer mapping files than the model version you are using.

James King

James King
I'm having a play around with the settings to try and create these mapping files, but that's good to know that you could create a surfdata file in the older model version, as these are interoperable between model versions. If this doesn't work in CESM2.2.0 I'll try with the older code. What I'm after is a surfdata file for the year 2019 on my new grid, using SSP2 land use data for that year.
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