I am trying to run nudging experiments using the aquaplanet version of CAM6. My nudging experiments nudge moisture from 850 to 700 hPa toward 3-year time-mean zonal mean climatology from 15S-15N. I modified the source code of physpkg.f90 as follows: I moved the calls related to nudging (as shown below) from tphysac to tphysbc.
The main reason for this modification is to apply nudging after the other phyiscal parameterization schemes for each time step, instead of the original setting (in the middle of some physical parameterization schemes), so that the effect of nudging is more effective. The modified physpkg.f90 is located in: /glade/work/muting/cesm_runs/SST_AQP3_Qobs_27_-4K_nudge_qlf_1h_new2/SourceMods/src.cam/physpkg.f90 (My modifications are commented with !Mu-Ting).
My problem is that the model fails to run with this modification. I got error messages as follows:
The complete error message is located in /glade/derecho/scratch/muting/SST_AQP3_Qobs_27_-4K_nudge_qlf_1h_new2/run/cesm.log.4656255.desched1.240530-161247.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem? I would appreciate any comments or ideas!
I am trying to run nudging experiments using the aquaplanet version of CAM6. My nudging experiments nudge moisture from 850 to 700 hPa toward 3-year time-mean zonal mean climatology from 15S-15N. I modified the source code of physpkg.f90 as follows: I moved the calls related to nudging (as shown below) from tphysac to tphysbc.
The main reason for this modification is to apply nudging after the other phyiscal parameterization schemes for each time step, instead of the original setting (in the middle of some physical parameterization schemes), so that the effect of nudging is more effective. The modified physpkg.f90 is located in: /glade/work/muting/cesm_runs/SST_AQP3_Qobs_27_-4K_nudge_qlf_1h_new2/SourceMods/src.cam/physpkg.f90 (My modifications are commented with !Mu-Ting).
My problem is that the model fails to run with this modification. I got error messages as follows:
The complete error message is located in /glade/derecho/scratch/muting/SST_AQP3_Qobs_27_-4K_nudge_qlf_1h_new2/run/cesm.log.4656255.desched1.240530-161247.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem? I would appreciate any comments or ideas!