New Member
Now I'm running CLM5 on Linux cluster.When I didn't change user_nl_clm, it is successfully running with monthly output files such as "case.clm2.h0.yyyy-mm.nc" and "case.mosart.h0.yyyy-mm.nc". However, when I changed user_nl_clm to make the daily output, it is stoped to write history output file.For example, I added below in user_nl_clm and case.build.hist_fincl2 = 'TG', 'TV'hist_fincl3 = 'TG', 'TV'hist_fincl4 = 'TG', 'TV'hist_fincl5 = 'TG', 'TV'hist_nhtfrq = 0, -24, -6, -1, 1hist_mfilt = 12, 30, 28, 24, 48(same with https://escomp.github.io/ctsm-docs/doc/build/html/users_guide/setting-up-and-running-a-case/customizing-the-clm-namelist.html) Using my Linux cluster, I could write down history files based on cesm1.2.1, so I think it is not a memory problem. I'm using intel18, mvapich2-2.2, netcdf4.3.2, hdf5-1.8.16, and pnetcdf-1.9.0.I attached cesm.log and lnd.log here. Do you have any idea how can I write down history files using CLM5?