I am running a simulation of QSC6 compset with no qfluxes and 60m mixed layer depth. I found that the global mean TS drops so quickly and attain 0.5(approx) degrees celsius at 30 years run. I am not using an active sea ice also. Is there is any initialisation for sea ice is causing the error? I believe without sea ice the model should run with a more warmer global mean TS. Could you please comment on it?
Thanks in advance
I am running a simulation of QSC6 compset with no qfluxes and 60m mixed layer depth. I found that the global mean TS drops so quickly and attain 0.5(approx) degrees celsius at 30 years run. I am not using an active sea ice also. Is there is any initialisation for sea ice is causing the error? I believe without sea ice the model should run with a more warmer global mean TS. Could you please comment on it?
Thanks in advance