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FATAL ERROR detected building pop2_in: 1.9x2.5 is not a supported grid

I downloaded, configured and compiled CESM on our system (Blizzard, DKRZ) and I can start for example the following experiment: -res f45_g37 -compset B1850W.
However if I start for example f19_f19 I get the following error:

FATAL ERROR detected building pop2_in:
1.9x2.5 is not a supported grid.
Supported grids are: gx3v5, gx3v7, gx1v5, gx1v5a, gx1v5b,gx1v6 and tx0.1v2

If that is true, why is the grid combination f19_f19 offered? Is there a way to run f19_f19 at all?
Thank you for your help


CSEG and Liaisons
f19_f19 is valid for F comsets which use a data ocean component. It is not valid for a B compset which uses the pop2 ocean component.