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find_times:: ERROR


Dharmendra Kumar Singh
Hi everyone,

I encountered an error while running one year of met_data. The first 10 months (January to October) were executed successfully, but starting from November, I'm encountering the following error regarding the times. I attempted to address it by checking the atm.log file, but unfortunately, I couldn't resolve the error.

ERROR: find_times:: ERRROR - check atm.log for error message

Failed to find dates bracketing desired time = 1: 742775.020833333


Dharmendra Kumar Singh
atm.log for error message
FIND_TIMES: Failed to find dates bracketing desired time =


datatm = 742774.750000000

datatp = 742775.000000000

all_data_times = 742775.000000000

ERROR: find_times:: ERRROR - check atm.log for error message


Dharmendra Kumar Singh
Today, I ran successfully from November 1st to December 30th, 2035, and discovered that the FIND_TIMES ERROR only occurs on December 31st (20351231) due to an error in my single-day file. When I ran December 31st, I encountered the same error:

FIND_TIMES: Failed to find dates bracketing desired time =


datatm = 742774.750000000

datatp = 742775.000000000

all_data_times = 742775.000000000

ERROR: find_times:: ERROR - check atm.log for error message

I have gone through

/glade/derecho/scratch/dksingh/mbspinup_2035/run> vi atm.log.3121531.desched1.240218-184356

Case directory:
the file (20351231)
can be seen in this directory: /glade/derecho/scratch/dksingh/met_back2033_34_35_BB/output_file_date_rename_2035.

I did not find any discrepancies in Therefore, I am puzzled as to why it is not running. Until I resolve the issue with this single day (20351231), I cannot generate the one-month output monthly file.

Any assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,