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Forcing F2000climo with a series SST/Sea Ice Files


Hello everyone,

I am trying to run a series of tests using the CESM2.1.3 "F2000climo" compset and forcing the atmosphere component with modified 10 years HadISST dataset.

Previously I have to stop CESM stop ever modeling year and manually change the forceing data, for example, when running the model year 2000, I have to point the SST data to year 2000 SST. Then for the year 2001, I repeat these steps just change the SST year to 2001. But for the current experiment, it was too cumbersome because it required running many sets of ensembles.

So I would like to ask if there is a method that can specify years of forcing data to drive the 10-year running? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I am going to move this to the Simpler Models forum, but there should be an FHIST compset that allows you to run with varying years.


Active Member
This should be in the CAM forum, not the Simpler Models forum.

Dave is correct that FHIST is likely the easiest way to run with time varying SST/ice data. You will need to control how the SST/ice data is used with the parameters in env_run.xml:


This should be in the CAM forum, not the Simpler Models forum.

Dave is correct that FHIST is likely the easiest way to run with time varying SST/ice data. You will need to control how the SST/ice data is used with the parameters in env_run.xml:
Thank you very much! I will try the FHIST compset