Thank you for the provided information! I checked the hurrell SST boundary condition file and the relationship between the variables SST_CPL and ICE_COV is not always exactly the value that I would exspect from the equation in the paper.I am running a F-compset and added an SST trend (~ 1degC / 10 years) to the original hurrell SST climatology. When running the model with the original non-modified ICE_COV climatology and the new SSTs the model crashes during first couple of timesteps. I already tried setting DIVDAMPN=2.0_r8, however the model still crashes after a couple of time steps with the following error message: QNEG4 WARNING from TPHYSAC Max possible LH flx exceeded at 5 points. , Worst excess = -1.4439E-05, lchnk = 520, i = 4, same as indices lat = 56, lon = 96 QNEG4 WARNING from TPHYSAC Max possible LH flx exceeded at 1 points. , Worst excess = -3.3023E-06, lchnk = 487, i = 13, same as indices lat = 53, lon = 47 QNEG4 WARNING from TPHYSAC Max possible LH flx exceeded at 1 points. , Worst excess = -4.3819E-06, lchnk = 488, i = 13, same as indices lat = 53, lon = 48 *** Process received signal *** Signal: Segmentation fault (11)Signal code: Address not mapped (1)Failing at address: 0xffffffff2db8bc78 I am not 100% sure how to generate new ICE_COV values that comply with my new SSTs and don't cause the model to crash. Is there a namelist option to calculate the correct ice_cover from the given SSTs? Thank you very much in advance!