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FW2000climo date


New Member
Hi everyone,
I want to run the FW2000climo component. But I have a question. Can I run this component for 2020?
And my next question is about the information that each component has. It is as if each component has its own information and is for a specific purpose. Is there a site that understands this information?




Cheryl Craig
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I will answer your questions with what I think you are asking. I believe when you say "component" you mean "compset". Compsets are discussed in detail in the CAM6.3 User's Guide in chapter 4. 4. Atmospheric configurations (compsets) — camdoc documentation. [As an aside, "component" in CESM terminology is used to differentiate the different model components - atmosphere, land, ocean, etc.]

As for your question about running for 2020 using the FW2000climo compset, it depends on what question you are really asking. If you are asking if you can start a climate simulation using 2000 initial conditions and have it run out to 2020, the answer is yes. If you are asking if you can start a simulation using observations from 2020 as you initial conditions, then the answer I believe is no. I am not aware that the initial condition files for 2020 have been generated yet. These tend to lag due to the work involved in creating the datasets. Let me know if this is indeed your question, and I can ask around to see when these datasets may be available (or if they already are and I am not aware of it).
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