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Generate surface datasets using my own land use data


Hi all,

I am generating the surface and landuse timeseries files for CONUS scale with 0.125nldas2 resolution. I have my own land use data at 0.05x0.05 degree and this land use data have different PFTs and CFTs than LUH2. I will use other raw data files downloaded from NCAR input data server ( I think there are two possible ways to generate my surface and land use timeseries files. But I would like to ask whether there are other options for doing the same that I am unaware of. The two possible methods that in my mind are:

Method 1: Follow the workflow of CLM5 Land Use Data Tool and Mksurfdata_map from CLM Technical Note (2.27. Transient Land Use and Land Cover Change — ctsm release-clm5.0 documentation). But I was wondering ask whether CLM Land Use Data Tool can be used for generating PFT CFT raw data from land use data other than LUH2. Our own land use data have different PFT CFTs compared to LUH2. The Mksurfdata_map Tool that I am using is from release-cesm2.2.0

Method 2: Download PFT&CFT raw files from NCAR’s input data server (e.g., lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftdynharv.0.05x0.05.LUH2.histsimyr2005.c190116). Develop my own script for modifying these raw PFT&CFT files and replacing the fractional PFT and CFT values based on our own land use data. After that, use Mksurfdata_map Tool to generate the 0.125nldas2 surface and lanuse time series files.

In summary, my questions are (1) whether there are other options for doing the same that I am unaware of. (2) whether CLM Land Use Data Tool can be used for generating PFT CFT raw data from my own land use data other than LUH2

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Peter Lawrence
New Member
Hi Liliyao

I would be happy to discuss your project with you. There is a lot of supporting information associated with generating the land use data. The details of the project and what you would like to achieve with CLM and your new data would be helpful. Please email me at .
