when I run a continue for a BSSP370cmip6 compset case, I got error in rof log:
Reading restart dataset
(GETFIL): attempting to find local file
(GETFIL): failed getting file from full path:
GETFIL: FAILED to get ./BSSP370cmip6.f19_g17.BSSP370cmip6_DEU_1.mosart.rh0.2025
I checked case.mosart.rh0.1979-01-03-00000.nc manually in run directory and I checked the file using ncdump -v locfnhr [mosart restart file], here is the result:
$ ncdump -v locfnhr case.mosart.rh0.2025-01-01-00000.nc
ncdump: locfnhr: No such variable
(base) [lilonghui_zhanghw1@mgt run]$ ncdump -v locfnhr case.mosart.r.2025-01-01-00000.nc
netcdf case.mosart.r.2025-01-01-00000 {
rtmlon = 720 ;
rtmlat = 360 ;
string_length = 64 ;
ntapes = 1 ;
max_chars = 255 ;
double RTM_VOLR_LIQ(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_VOLR_LIQ:long_name = "water volume in cell (volr)" ;
RTM_VOLR_LIQ:units = "m3" ;
RTM_VOLR_LIQ:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_VOLR_ICE(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_VOLR_ICE:long_name = "water volume in cell (volr)" ;
RTM_VOLR_ICE:units = "m3" ;
RTM_VOLR_ICE:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_RUNOFF_LIQ(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_RUNOFF_LIQ:long_name = "runoff (runoff)" ;
RTM_RUNOFF_LIQ:units = "m3/s" ;
RTM_RUNOFF_LIQ:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_RUNOFF_ICE(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_RUNOFF_ICE:long_name = "runoff (runoff)" ;
RTM_RUNOFF_ICE:units = "m3/s" ;
RTM_RUNOFF_ICE:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_DVOLRDT_LIQ(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_DVOLRDT_LIQ:long_name = "water volume change in cell (dvolrdt)" ;
RTM_DVOLRDT_LIQ:units = "mm/s" ;
RTM_DVOLRDT_LIQ:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_DVOLRDT_ICE(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_DVOLRDT_ICE:long_name = "water volume change in cell (dvolrdt)" ;
RTM_DVOLRDT_ICE:units = "mm/s" ;
RTM_DVOLRDT_ICE:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_WH_LIQ(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_WH_LIQ:long_name = "surface water storage at hillslopes in cell" ;
RTM_WH_LIQ:units = "m" ;
RTM_WH_LIQ:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_WH_ICE(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_WH_ICE:long_name = "surface water storage at hillslopes in cell" ;
RTM_WH_ICE:units = "m" ;
RTM_WH_ICE:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_WT_LIQ(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_WT_LIQ:long_name = "water storage in tributary channels in cell" ;
RTM_WT_LIQ:units = "m3" ;
RTM_WT_LIQ:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_WT_ICE(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_WT_ICE:long_name = "water storage in tributary channels in cell" ;
RTM_WT_ICE:units = "m3" ;
RTM_WT_ICE:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_WR_LIQ(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_WR_LIQ:long_name = "water storage in main channel in cell" ;
RTM_WR_LIQ:units = "m3" ;
RTM_WR_LIQ:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_WR_ICE(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_WR_ICE:long_name = "water storage in main channel in cell" ;
RTM_WR_ICE:units = "m3" ;
RTM_WR_ICE:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_EROUT_LIQ(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_EROUT_LIQ:long_name = "instataneous flow out of main channel in cell" ;
RTM_EROUT_LIQ:units = "m3/s" ;
RTM_EROUT_LIQ:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_EROUT_ICE(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_EROUT_ICE:long_name = "instataneous flow out of main channel in cell" ;
RTM_EROUT_ICE:units = "m3/s" ;
RTM_EROUT_ICE:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
char locfnh(ntapes, max_chars) ;
locfnh:long_name = "History filename" ;
locfnh:comment = "This variable NOT needed for startup or branch simulations" ;
char locfnhr(ntapes, max_chars) ;
locfnhr:long_name = "Restart history filename" ;
locfnhr:comment = "This variable NOT needed for startup or branch simulations" ;
int timemgr_rst_type ;
timemgr_rst_type:long_name = "calendar type" ;
timemgr_rst_type:flag_values = 1, 2 ;
timemgr_rst_type:flag_meanings = "NO_LEAP_C GREGORIAN" ;
timemgr_rst_type:units = "unitless" ;
timemgr_rst_type:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
int timemgr_rst_step_sec ;
timemgr_rst_step_sec:long_name = "seconds component of timestep size" ;
timemgr_rst_step_sec:units = "sec" ;
timemgr_rst_step_sec:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
timemgr_rst_step_sec:valid_range = 0, 86400 ;
int timemgr_rst_start_ymd ;
timemgr_rst_start_ymd:long_name = "start date" ;
timemgr_rst_start_ymd:units = "YYYYMMDD" ;
timemgr_rst_start_ymd:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
int timemgr_rst_start_tod ;
timemgr_rst_start_tod:long_name = "start time of day" ;
timemgr_rst_start_tod:units = "sec" ;
timemgr_rst_start_tod:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
timemgr_rst_start_tod:valid_range = 0, 86400 ;
int timemgr_rst_ref_ymd ;
timemgr_rst_ref_ymd:long_name = "reference date" ;
timemgr_rst_ref_ymd:units = "YYYYMMDD" ;
timemgr_rst_ref_ymd:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
int timemgr_rst_ref_tod ;
timemgr_rst_ref_tod:long_name = "reference time of day" ;
timemgr_rst_ref_tod:units = "sec" ;
timemgr_rst_ref_tod:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
timemgr_rst_ref_tod:valid_range = 0, 86400 ;
int timemgr_rst_curr_ymd ;
timemgr_rst_curr_ymd:long_name = "current date" ;
timemgr_rst_curr_ymd:units = "YYYYMMDD" ;
timemgr_rst_curr_ymd:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
int timemgr_rst_curr_tod ;
timemgr_rst_curr_tod:long_name = "current time of day" ;
timemgr_rst_curr_tod:units = "sec" ;
timemgr_rst_curr_tod:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
timemgr_rst_curr_tod:valid_range = 0, 86400 ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;
:history = "created on 09/30/23 09:03:19" ;
:username = "lilonghui_zhanghw1" ;
:host = "mgt" ;
:version = "unknown" ;
:source = "Model for Scale Adaptive River Transport MOSART1.0" ;
:case_title = "UNSET" ;
:case_id = "BSSP370cmip6.f19_g17.BSSP370cmip6_DEU_1" ;
:title = "MOSART Restart information, required to continue a simulation" ;
locfnhr =
"./case.rh0.2025-01-01-00000.ncqI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362" ;
I saw a similar issue in another thread, but didn't get an effective solution, I really appreciate it if anyone can help me with this. Thanks!!
Reading restart dataset
(GETFIL): attempting to find local file
(GETFIL): failed getting file from full path:
GETFIL: FAILED to get ./BSSP370cmip6.f19_g17.BSSP370cmip6_DEU_1.mosart.rh0.2025
I checked case.mosart.rh0.1979-01-03-00000.nc manually in run directory and I checked the file using ncdump -v locfnhr [mosart restart file], here is the result:
$ ncdump -v locfnhr case.mosart.rh0.2025-01-01-00000.nc
ncdump: locfnhr: No such variable
(base) [lilonghui_zhanghw1@mgt run]$ ncdump -v locfnhr case.mosart.r.2025-01-01-00000.nc
netcdf case.mosart.r.2025-01-01-00000 {
rtmlon = 720 ;
rtmlat = 360 ;
string_length = 64 ;
ntapes = 1 ;
max_chars = 255 ;
double RTM_VOLR_LIQ(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_VOLR_LIQ:long_name = "water volume in cell (volr)" ;
RTM_VOLR_LIQ:units = "m3" ;
RTM_VOLR_LIQ:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_VOLR_ICE(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_VOLR_ICE:long_name = "water volume in cell (volr)" ;
RTM_VOLR_ICE:units = "m3" ;
RTM_VOLR_ICE:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_RUNOFF_LIQ(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_RUNOFF_LIQ:long_name = "runoff (runoff)" ;
RTM_RUNOFF_LIQ:units = "m3/s" ;
RTM_RUNOFF_LIQ:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_RUNOFF_ICE(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_RUNOFF_ICE:long_name = "runoff (runoff)" ;
RTM_RUNOFF_ICE:units = "m3/s" ;
RTM_RUNOFF_ICE:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_DVOLRDT_LIQ(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_DVOLRDT_LIQ:long_name = "water volume change in cell (dvolrdt)" ;
RTM_DVOLRDT_LIQ:units = "mm/s" ;
RTM_DVOLRDT_LIQ:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_DVOLRDT_ICE(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_DVOLRDT_ICE:long_name = "water volume change in cell (dvolrdt)" ;
RTM_DVOLRDT_ICE:units = "mm/s" ;
RTM_DVOLRDT_ICE:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_WH_LIQ(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_WH_LIQ:long_name = "surface water storage at hillslopes in cell" ;
RTM_WH_LIQ:units = "m" ;
RTM_WH_LIQ:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_WH_ICE(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_WH_ICE:long_name = "surface water storage at hillslopes in cell" ;
RTM_WH_ICE:units = "m" ;
RTM_WH_ICE:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_WT_LIQ(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_WT_LIQ:long_name = "water storage in tributary channels in cell" ;
RTM_WT_LIQ:units = "m3" ;
RTM_WT_LIQ:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_WT_ICE(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_WT_ICE:long_name = "water storage in tributary channels in cell" ;
RTM_WT_ICE:units = "m3" ;
RTM_WT_ICE:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_WR_LIQ(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_WR_LIQ:long_name = "water storage in main channel in cell" ;
RTM_WR_LIQ:units = "m3" ;
RTM_WR_LIQ:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_WR_ICE(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_WR_ICE:long_name = "water storage in main channel in cell" ;
RTM_WR_ICE:units = "m3" ;
RTM_WR_ICE:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_EROUT_LIQ(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_EROUT_LIQ:long_name = "instataneous flow out of main channel in cell" ;
RTM_EROUT_LIQ:units = "m3/s" ;
RTM_EROUT_LIQ:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
double RTM_EROUT_ICE(rtmlat, rtmlon) ;
RTM_EROUT_ICE:long_name = "instataneous flow out of main channel in cell" ;
RTM_EROUT_ICE:units = "m3/s" ;
RTM_EROUT_ICE:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
char locfnh(ntapes, max_chars) ;
locfnh:long_name = "History filename" ;
locfnh:comment = "This variable NOT needed for startup or branch simulations" ;
char locfnhr(ntapes, max_chars) ;
locfnhr:long_name = "Restart history filename" ;
locfnhr:comment = "This variable NOT needed for startup or branch simulations" ;
int timemgr_rst_type ;
timemgr_rst_type:long_name = "calendar type" ;
timemgr_rst_type:flag_values = 1, 2 ;
timemgr_rst_type:flag_meanings = "NO_LEAP_C GREGORIAN" ;
timemgr_rst_type:units = "unitless" ;
timemgr_rst_type:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
int timemgr_rst_step_sec ;
timemgr_rst_step_sec:long_name = "seconds component of timestep size" ;
timemgr_rst_step_sec:units = "sec" ;
timemgr_rst_step_sec:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
timemgr_rst_step_sec:valid_range = 0, 86400 ;
int timemgr_rst_start_ymd ;
timemgr_rst_start_ymd:long_name = "start date" ;
timemgr_rst_start_ymd:units = "YYYYMMDD" ;
timemgr_rst_start_ymd:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
int timemgr_rst_start_tod ;
timemgr_rst_start_tod:long_name = "start time of day" ;
timemgr_rst_start_tod:units = "sec" ;
timemgr_rst_start_tod:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
timemgr_rst_start_tod:valid_range = 0, 86400 ;
int timemgr_rst_ref_ymd ;
timemgr_rst_ref_ymd:long_name = "reference date" ;
timemgr_rst_ref_ymd:units = "YYYYMMDD" ;
timemgr_rst_ref_ymd:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
int timemgr_rst_ref_tod ;
timemgr_rst_ref_tod:long_name = "reference time of day" ;
timemgr_rst_ref_tod:units = "sec" ;
timemgr_rst_ref_tod:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
timemgr_rst_ref_tod:valid_range = 0, 86400 ;
int timemgr_rst_curr_ymd ;
timemgr_rst_curr_ymd:long_name = "current date" ;
timemgr_rst_curr_ymd:units = "YYYYMMDD" ;
timemgr_rst_curr_ymd:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
int timemgr_rst_curr_tod ;
timemgr_rst_curr_tod:long_name = "current time of day" ;
timemgr_rst_curr_tod:units = "sec" ;
timemgr_rst_curr_tod:_FillValue = -999999999 ;
timemgr_rst_curr_tod:valid_range = 0, 86400 ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;
:history = "created on 09/30/23 09:03:19" ;
:username = "lilonghui_zhanghw1" ;
:host = "mgt" ;
:version = "unknown" ;
:source = "Model for Scale Adaptive River Transport MOSART1.0" ;
:case_title = "UNSET" ;
:case_id = "BSSP370cmip6.f19_g17.BSSP370cmip6_DEU_1" ;
:title = "MOSART Restart information, required to continue a simulation" ;
locfnhr =
"./case.rh0.2025-01-01-00000.ncqI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362\312qI\362" ;
I saw a similar issue in another thread, but didn't get an effective solution, I really appreciate it if anyone can help me with this. Thanks!!