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Github : Sunsetting Subversion Support


David Webb
New Member
I'm in the process of installing CESM on a new machine. I downloaded the 2.1.3 code from github (only to realise it is actually the 2.2 code) and checked out the 2.1.3 production commit.

When I run "./manage_externals/ checkout_externals", the script output gets to the lines:
Processing externals description file : Externals_CAM.cfg
Checking out externals: clubb, carma, cosp2,

But then produces:
ERROR:root:Command '[u'svn', u'checkout', u'--quiet', u'', u'/home/djw/Downloads/NCAR/CESM_2.1.3/components/cam/src/physics/cosp2/src']' returned non-zero exit status 1
ERROR:root:Failed with output:
svn: E900002: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ''
svn: E900002: Subversion support temporarily disabled.

GitHub has temporarily disabled Subversion support as part of a planned brownout
in order to give you advance notice of the upcoming permanent removal of
Subversion support on 2024-01-08.

Please see Sunsetting Subversion support for details.

ERROR: In directory
Process did not run successfully; returned status 1:
svn checkout --quiet /home/djw/Downloads/NCAR/CESM_2.1.3/components/cam/src/physics/cosp2/src
See above for output from failed command.

I looked at the sunsetting web page, which seems to date from early 2023. As it is a "brownout" - I suspect that I will be able to download the subversion files within the next 24 hours. However after January 8th, nobody will be able to download the files needed by the production version (2.1.3).


David Webb


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I don't understand your comment: "I downloaded the 2.1.3 code from github (only to realise it is actually the 2.2 code)" If
you want code in the 2.1.x series you should download 2.1.4. If you want 2.2 that is a different download.

The error you are seeing is generated by github and not by cesm. And I don't think that manage_externals is responsible either since
the address clearly points to github even though svn is used for access. (Note that other svn repos such as carma and chem_proc are fine.


David Webb
New Member
Web page "Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2) | Community Earth System Model" says: "The supported CESM development release is CESM 2.2.0 and the supported CESM production release is CESM 2.1.3, with links:

I cloned 2.1.3, from the second of the two links - and found it was actually the full github repository - with a latest commit tagged cesm2_3_alpha16g, dated 2023-10-30 (I did the cloning around that time).

So as I was starting from scratch I checked out the commit with the 2.1.3 release tag and today am working with that.


David Webb
New Member
Thanks for the info.

However the key line here is
"GitHub has temporarily disabled Subversion support as part of a planned brownout"

Are you implying that 2.1.4 gets around the subversion problem. If not I suspect you need a ticket for that.

I've been able to get around the problem because I cloned CESM to my home computer last week and that time "./manage_externals/ checkout_externals", ran to completion. So I have now copied everything from home to the the large batch computer.


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Yes - 2.1.4 and 2.1.3 for that matter do not reference any svn repositories on github and should
not have that problem.

However 2.2 and 2.3 tags do and I am escalating a ticket on this issue - thank you very much for bringing it to my attention.


David Webb
New Member
Although my CESM clone include many later commits, when I issued the command "./manage_externals/ checkout_externals", this was after I had checked out 2.1.3. The fact that I had problems indicates that the 2.1.3 version of the script must have tried to contact or otherwise interact with the svn repositories, even if the amount of data to be downloaded was zero.


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Sorry - I double checked and you are correct - this is an issue with 2.1.3 and 2.1.4 also.


Evgeniy Churyulin
New Member
I'm trying to download version CESM2.1.2 and I have the same problem.
levante2:/work/mj0143/b381275/my_cesm2.1.2> ./manage_externals/checkout_externals
Processing externals description file : Externals.cfg
Checking status of externals: cam, cice, cime, cism, clm, mosart, pop, rtm, ww3,
Checking out externals: cam, cice, cime, cism, clm, mosart, pop, rtm, ww3,
Processing externals description file : Externals_CAM.cfg
Checking out externals: chem_proc, ERROR:root:[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'svn'
ERROR:root:In directory
Command execution failed. Does the executable exist?:
svn checkout --quiet /work/mj0143/b381275/my_cesm2.1.2/components/cam/chem_proc

ERROR: In directory
Command execution failed. Does the executable exist?:
svn checkout --quiet /work/mj0143/b381275/my_cesm2.1.2/components/cam/chem_proc


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member

Evgeny_Chur you do not have the same issue - You are having an issue with svn access to an svn repository.​

I just checked and the repository is available - if this problem persists you should contact your system administrator for help.


David Webb
New Member
My experience is that the github support for svn is intermittent. When I tried to download to one computer it worked. When a few days later I tried to download to a second computer the svn part failed and was replaced by an error message - as reported above.

However when I tried 12 hours later. The svn download worked.

So the occasional failure results from github's attempt to warn groups that its use as a svn repository will come to an end in less than eight weeks time. Contacting a system administrator will not be of much use.