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Peter Ansah
New Member

I want to download GLENS data on stratosphere SO4. What I found was SO4_al1,SO4_a2, and SO4_a3 which I suppose are the aikten, accumulation and coarse modes. To get the total SO4 across modes is it plausible to add (SO4_total=SO4_al1*1.0+ SO4_a2*1.0 + SO4_a3*1.0 ) -based on how the fields where derived ?

Thank you


Peter Ansah
New Member
Hi Peter,

Correct, this is the way to sum atmospheric aerosols. If you also want to add the "in cloud" aerosol, you need to also add the "<species>_c1", "<species>_c2" and "<species>_c3" values.

Here is the Wiki page on aerosols: Aerosols - CAM-Chem -

Unit conversions may also be helpful: Using MOZART-4 output - MOZART-4 -

Thank you, Rebecca. That was helpful!
Also, for SO4 AOD, what I found was at 550nm. Are there other spectral bands (slightly around that wavelength) available in the GLENS dataset that I might have overlooked?

I suppose the SO4 AOD is for the extinction?


Peter Ansah
New Member
Thank you, Rebecca. That was helpful!
Also, for SO4 AOD, what I found was at 550nm. Are there other spectral bands (slightly around that wavelength) available in the GLENS dataset that I might have overlooked?

I suppose the SO4 AOD is for the extinction?
And if there are not, are there angstrom exponents for that purpose? Or is there a more standardadized, advisable way you would recommend?

Thank you,