Hi there, I am trying to get a new grid set up (for I and IG simulations on the regional RASM model grid). In CESM1.2, the create_newcase command accepted as an argument the name of an xml file, to define the grid for the executable. I have pasted the contents of this file, as I created it, at the bottom of this message.
In CESM1.3 and latter beta versions of CESM1.2, this file format (now pointed to using the -user_grid_file flag in the call to create_newcase) is no longer of the right format (though, the error message I get when I try to reference this file is:
"/glade/u/home/jfyke/work/CLM_on_RASM_grid/cesm1_3_attempt/cesm1_3_beta01/scripts/ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml is not a compset parameters file"
which seems strange, since the error message does not reference the local file I set as the -user_grid_file, but rather the default ccsm-utils/Case.template/config_compset file).
Regardless of this strange (?) error, the main question I have is: How do I make a CESM1.3 file that is a "copy" of the default config_compsets.xml (as is directed in this file), is equivalent to the old -user_grid file format, and references the proper domain files, so that I can set up and run a model on the regional RASM grid?
Below is a copy of the old CESM1.2 -grid_file which I created based on Mariana's wrf_example in tools/mapping/examples - which appears to be obsolete now in the CESM1.3 tag (?):
Thanks in advance for any help, and I am available by phone:
Jeremy Fyke
In CESM1.3 and latter beta versions of CESM1.2, this file format (now pointed to using the -user_grid_file flag in the call to create_newcase) is no longer of the right format (though, the error message I get when I try to reference this file is:
"/glade/u/home/jfyke/work/CLM_on_RASM_grid/cesm1_3_attempt/cesm1_3_beta01/scripts/ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml is not a compset parameters file"
which seems strange, since the error message does not reference the local file I set as the -user_grid_file, but rather the default ccsm-utils/Case.template/config_compset file).
Regardless of this strange (?) error, the main question I have is: How do I make a CESM1.3 file that is a "copy" of the default config_compsets.xml (as is directed in this file), is equivalent to the old -user_grid file format, and references the proper domain files, so that I can set up and run a model on the regional RASM grid?
Below is a copy of the old CESM1.2 -grid_file which I created based on Mariana's wrf_example in tools/mapping/examples - which appears to be obsolete now in the CESM1.3 tag (?):
Thanks in advance for any help, and I am available by phone:
Jeremy Fyke