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(gridmap_map_read) ERROR: frac_src out of bounds while creating the surface file

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I am trying to create the domain and surface files for a single point in CLM5 CESM2.2.0. I have successfully created the scrip grid, map files, and, domain files however when I am trying to create the surface files I am getting this error (gridmap_map_read) ERROR: frac_src out of bounds.

I followed the below steps
1). ./ -p 28.5457, 77.1928 -n IITD_1

I have checked the scrripgrid using the below command but there are no errors
scrip_check_input /scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapgrids/

2). ./ -r $PTNAME -f $GRIDFILE -t regional -l
created the map files

3). ./gen_domain -m $MAPFILE -o $PTNAME -l $PTNAME
created the domain files

4). ./ -r usrspec -usr_gname $PTNAME -usr_gdate $CDATE -usr_mapdir $MAPFILE -l $CESMDATAROOT -y 2000 -crop

(gridmap_map_read) reading mapping matrix data...
(gridmap_map_read) * file name : /scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/IITD_1_map_files/
* matrix dimensions rows x cols : 1036800 x 1
* number of non-zero elements: 0
(gridmap_map_read) ERROR: frac_src out of bounds
max = 1.143774191016743E+224 min = -3.094534034031665E+212
ERROR in mksurfdata_map: 34304


lat(:,i) = latCenters;
latCorners(:,i,0) = latCenters - delY/2.d0;
latCorners(:,i,1) = latCenters + delY/2.d0;
latCorners(:,i,2) = latCenters + delY/2.d0;
latCorners(:,i,3) = latCenters - delY/2.d0;
end do
do j = 0, ny-1
lon(j,:) = lonCenters;
lonCorners(j,:,0) = lonCenters + delX/2.d0;
lonCorners(j,:,1) = lonCenters + delX/2.d0;
lonCorners(j,:,2) = lonCenters - delX/2.d0;
lonCorners(j,:,3) = lonCenters - delX/2.d0;

Kindly help me in this regard.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Not sure why that isn't working. I tried the following sequence using release-cesm2.2.0 and that finished with no errors:

./ -p 28.5457,77.1928 -n $GRIDNAME
setenv MAPFILE /glade/work/oleson/release-cesm2.2.0/components/clm/tools/mkmapgrids/
setenv OCNDOM
setenv ATMDOM domain.lnd.{$GRIDNAME}
./gen_domain -m $MAPFILE -o $OCNDOM -l $ATMDOM
setenv GRIDFILE /glade/work/oleson/release-cesm2.2.0/components/clm/tools/mkmapgrids/
./ -r $GRIDNAME -f $GRIDFILE -t regional
setenv CDATE `date +%y%m%d`
./ -r usrspec -usr_gname $GRIDNAME -usr_gdate $CDATE -y 2000 -crop

I didn't use "-usr_mapdir $MAPFILE" in the ./ command. I think that is intended to point to the mkmapdata directory, not a mapping file. The default setting is "../mkmapdata". Not sure if that is a problem.


Dear @oleson thank you for your reply.

I have run the command just like you but facing the same error as shown below.

./ -r usrspec -usr_gname $GRIDNAME -usr_gdate $CDATE -y 2000 -crop

CSMDATA is /home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata
resolution: IITD_1 rcp=-999.9 sim_year = 2000
namelist: surfdata_IITD_1_78pfts_CMIP6_simyr2000_c221107.namelist
nglcec = 10
mksrf_fgrid = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fpft = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fglacier = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fglacierregion = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fsoicol = '../mkmapdata/'
map_furban = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fmax = '../mkmapdata/'
map_forganic = '../mkmapdata/'
map_flai = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fharvest = '../mkmapdata/'
map_flakwat = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fwetlnd = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fvocef = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fsoitex = '../mkmapdata/'
map_furbtopo = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fgdp = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fpeat = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fsoildepth = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fabm = '../mkmapdata/'
map_ftopostats = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fvic = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fch4 = '../mkmapdata/'
mksrf_fsoitex = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_forganic = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_flakwat = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fwetlnd = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fmax = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fglacier = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fglacierregion = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fvocef = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_furbtopo = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fgdp = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fpeat = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fsoildepth = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fabm = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_ftopostats = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fvic = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fch4 = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
outnc_double = .true.
all_urban = .false.
no_inlandwet = .true.
mksrf_furban = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fvegtyp = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftdynharv.0.25x0.25.LUH2.histsimyr1850-2015.c170629/'
mksrf_fhrvtyp = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftdynharv.0.25x0.25.LUH2.histsimyr1850-2015.c170629/'
mksrf_fsoicol = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftlandusedynharv.0.25x0.25.MODIS.simyr1850-2015.c170412/'
mksrf_flai = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftlandusedynharv.0.25x0.25.MODIS.simyr1850-2015.c170412/'
fsurdat = ''
fsurlog = 'surfdata_IITD_1_78pfts_CMIP6_simyr2000_c221107.log'
mksrf_fdynuse = ''
fdyndat = ''
numpft = 78
./mksurfdata_map < surfdata_IITD_1_78pfts_CMIP6_simyr2000_c221107.namelist
Attempting to initialize control settings .....
Attempting to create surface boundary data .....
mksrf_fgrid =

mksrf_gridtype = global
Output ALL data in file as 64-bit
Set wetland to 0% over land
In mkpftMod::mkpftInit()...
calling domain_read
finished domain_read
fsurdat is 2d lat/lon grid
nlon= 2 nlat= 0
(OPNFIL): Successfully opened file
surfdata_IITD_1_78pfts_CMIP6_simyr2000_c221107.log on unit= 99
mksrf_gridtype = global

In mkpftMod::mkpft()...
Attempting to make PFTs .....
Creating surface datasets with extra types for crops; total pfts = 78
domain_read_dims_2d read lon and lat dims from lon/lat
domain_read initialized domain
domain_read read LANDFRAC
domain_read read LANDMASK
Open PFT file:
(gridmap_map_read) reading mapping matrix data...
(gridmap_map_read) * file name : ../mkmapdata/
* matrix dimensions rows x cols : 1036800 x 1
* number of non-zero elements: 0
(gridmap_map_read) ERROR: frac_src out of bounds
max = 1.143774191016743E+224 min = -3.094534034031665E+212
ERROR in mksurfdata_map: 34304

I am thinking this error is causing due to my lines in mkscripgrid.ncl script. Can you please check whether the below lines are correct or if I need to do any modifications to them?

lat(:,i) = latCenters;
latCorners(:,i,0) = latCenters - delY/2.d0;
latCorners(:,i,1) = latCenters + delY/2.d0;
latCorners(:,i,2) = latCenters + delY/2.d0;
latCorners(:,i,3) = latCenters - delY/2.d0;
end do
do j = 0, ny-1
lon(j,:) = lonCenters;
lonCorners(j,:,0) = lonCenters + delX/2.d0;
lonCorners(j,:,1) = lonCenters + delX/2.d0;
lonCorners(j,:,2) = lonCenters - delX/2.d0;
lonCorners(j,:,3) = lonCenters - delX/2.d0;

Kindly help me in this regard.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Yes, mine is different:

do i = 0, nx-1
lat(:,i) = latCenters;
if ( (nx .eq. 1) .or. (ny .eq. 1) )then
latCorners(:,i,0) = latCenters - delY/2.d0;
latCorners(:,i,1) = latCenters - delY/2.d0;
latCorners(:,i,2) = latCenters + delY/2.d0;
latCorners(:,i,3) = latCenters + delY/2.d0;
end if
end do
do j = 0, ny-1
lon(j,:) = lonCenters;
if ( (nx .eq. 1) .or. (ny .eq. 1) )then
lonCorners(j,:,0) = lonCenters - delX/2.d0;
lonCorners(j,:,1) = lonCenters + delX/2.d0;
lonCorners(j,:,2) = lonCenters + delX/2.d0;
lonCorners(j,:,3) = lonCenters - delX/2.d0;
end if
end do


Dear @oleson, I did modifications to my mkscripgrid.ncl as shown above by you and recreated the scribgrid files, map files, and domain files, however when I am creating surface files I am getting an error "netcdf error from domain_read rcode = 22 error = Invalid argument".

I have seen the similar error in the following thread ERROR in mksurfdata_map: netcdf error from domain_read rcode =2 error =No such file or directory where the file is missing in the directory glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftlandusedynharv.0.25x0.25.MODIS.simyr1850-2015. c170412/ in and it is not available.

Can you kindly put the file back on your FTP server

my error is as follows.

./ -r usrspec -usr_gname $PTNAME -usr_gdate $CDATE -y 2000 -crop
CSMDATA is /home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata
resolution: IITD_1 rcp=-999.9 sim_year = 2000
namelist: surfdata_IITD_1_78pfts_CMIP6_simyr2000_c221110.namelist
nglcec = 10
mksrf_fgrid = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fpft = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fglacier = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fglacierregion = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fsoicol = '../mkmapdata/'
map_furban = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fmax = '../mkmapdata/'
map_forganic = '../mkmapdata/'
map_flai = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fharvest = '../mkmapdata/'
map_flakwat = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fwetlnd = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fvocef = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fsoitex = '../mkmapdata/'
map_furbtopo = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fgdp = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fpeat = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fsoildepth = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fabm = '../mkmapdata/'
map_ftopostats = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fvic = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fch4 = '../mkmapdata/'
mksrf_fsoitex = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_forganic = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_flakwat = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fwetlnd = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fmax = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fglacier = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fglacierregion = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fvocef = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_furbtopo = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fgdp = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fpeat = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fsoildepth = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fabm = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_ftopostats = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fvic = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fch4 = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
outnc_double = .true.
all_urban = .false.
no_inlandwet = .true.
mksrf_furban = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fvegtyp = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftdynharv.0.25x0.25.LUH2.histsimyr1850-2015.c170629/'
mksrf_fhrvtyp = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftdynharv.0.25x0.25.LUH2.histsimyr1850-2015.c170629/'
mksrf_fsoicol = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftlandusedynharv.0.25x0.25.MODIS.simyr1850-2015.c170412/'
mksrf_flai = '/home/cas/faculty/dilipganguly/cesm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftlandusedynharv.0.25x0.25.MODIS.simyr1850-2015.c170412/'
fsurdat = ''
fsurlog = 'surfdata_IITD_1_78pfts_CMIP6_simyr2000_c221110.log'
mksrf_fdynuse = ''
fdyndat = ''
numpft = 78
./mksurfdata_map < surfdata_IITD_1_78pfts_CMIP6_simyr2000_c221110.namelist
Attempting to initialize control settings .....
Attempting to create surface boundary data .....
mksrf_fgrid =

mksrf_gridtype = global
Output ALL data in file as 64-bit
Set wetland to 0% over land
In mkpftMod::mkpftInit()...
calling domain_read
netcdf error from domain_read rcode = 22 error =
Invalid argument

ERROR in mksurfdata_map: 34304


Dear @oleson, I have placed the file in /scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftlandusedynharv.0.25x0.25.MODIS.simyr1850-2015. c170412/ in this folder. But when I am running

./ -r usrspec -usr_gname $PTNAME -usr_gdate $CDATE -y 2000 -crop

mksrf_fvegtyp and mksrf_fhrvtyp are taking /scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftdynharv.0.25x0.25.LUH2.histsimyr1850-2015.c170629/ this files, which is different from the mksurfdata_map.namelist (glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftlandusedynharv.0.25x0.25.MODIS.simyr1850-2015. c170412/

and the error is showing as

./mksurfdata_map < surfdata_IITD_1_78pfts_CMIP6_simyr2000_c221111.namelist
Attempting to initialize control settings .....
Attempting to create surface boundary data .....
mksrf_fgrid =

mksrf_gridtype = global
Output ALL data in file as 64-bit
Set wetland to 0% over land
In mkpftMod::mkpftInit()...
calling domain_read
netcdf error from domain_read rcode = 22 error =
Invalid argument

ERROR in mksurfdata_map: 34304

Is there something wrong with ./mkmapdata/ file?

I could not understand what is causing the error kindly help in this regard.


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Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Possibly. Make sure it is a valid netcdf file. It should be about this size:

ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 oleson ncar 103682836 Nov 5 10:59


I am checking my file

ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 cez218275 cez21 103683320 Nov 12 16:32

I am attaching ncview of this file please find it. (This file is having xv_a and yv_a are having range +ve to -ve)

When I am checking this file with script_check_input

Copyright (C) 1995-2019 - All Rights Reserved
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
NCAR Command Language Version 6.6.2
The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
See NCAR Command Language (NCL) for more details.
(0) Input file does not contain variable 'grid_corner_lat'.
(0) Can't continue.

When I am running ./ -r usrspec -usr_gname $PTNAME -usr_gdate $CDATE -y 2000 -crop this line it is

CSMDATA is /scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata
resolution: IITD_1 rcp=-999.9 sim_year = 2000
namelist: surfdata_IITD_1_78pfts_CMIP6_simyr2000_c221112.namelist
nglcec = 10
mksrf_fgrid = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fpft = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fglacier = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fglacierregion = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fsoicol = '../mkmapdata/'
map_furban = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fmax = '../mkmapdata/'
map_forganic = '../mkmapdata/'
map_flai = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fharvest = '../mkmapdata/'
map_flakwat = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fwetlnd = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fvocef = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fsoitex = '../mkmapdata/'
map_furbtopo = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fgdp = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fpeat = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fsoildepth = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fabm = '../mkmapdata/'
map_ftopostats = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fvic = '../mkmapdata/'
map_fch4 = '../mkmapdata/'
mksrf_fsoitex = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_forganic = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_flakwat = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fwetlnd = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fmax = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fglacier = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fglacierregion = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fvocef = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_furbtopo = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fgdp = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fpeat = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fsoildepth = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fabm = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_ftopostats = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fvic = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fch4 = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
outnc_double = .true.
all_urban = .false.
no_inlandwet = .true.
mksrf_furban = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/'
mksrf_fvegtyp = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftdynharv.0.25x0.25.LUH2.histsimyr1850-2015.c170629/'
mksrf_fhrvtyp = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftdynharv.0.25x0.25.LUH2.histsimyr1850-2015.c170629/'
mksrf_fsoicol = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftlandusedynharv.0.25x0.25.MODIS.simyr1850-2015.c170412/'
mksrf_flai = '/scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/cesm2_2_0_mksurf/cesm2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftlandusedynharv.0.25x0.25.MODIS.simyr1850-2015.c170412/'
fsurdat = ''
fsurlog = 'surfdata_IITD_1_78pfts_CMIP6_simyr2000_c221112.log'
mksrf_fdynuse = ''
fdyndat = ''
numpft = 78
./mksurfdata_map < surfdata_IITD_1_78pfts_CMIP6_simyr2000_c221112.namelist
Attempting to initialize control settings .....
Attempting to create surface boundary data .....
mksrf_fgrid =

mksrf_gridtype = global
Output ALL data in file as 64-bit
Set wetland to 0% over land
In mkpftMod::mkpftInit()...
calling domain_read
finished domain_read
fsurdat is 2d lat/lon grid
nlon= 6 nlat= 1634887009
(OPNFIL): Successfully opened file
surfdata_IITD_1_78pfts_CMIP6_simyr2000_c221112.log on unit= 99
mksrf_gridtype = global

In mkpftMod::mkpft()...
Attempting to make PFTs .....
Creating surface datasets with extra types for crops; total pfts = 78
domain_read_dims_2d read lon and lat dims from lon/lat
domain_read initialized domain
domain_read read LANDFRAC
domain_read read LANDMASK
Open PFT file:
(gridmap_map_read) reading mapping matrix data...
(gridmap_map_read) * file name : ../mkmapdata/
* matrix dimensions rows x cols : 1036800 x 1
* number of non-zero elements: 2
(gridmap_map_read) ERROR: mask_src out of bounds
ERROR in mksurfdata_map: 34304


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Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I think script_check_input is for scrip files, not mapping files.
How did you solve your previous error (netcdf error from domain_read rcode = 22 error = Invalid argument)?
I don't know why you are having so many problems.
I've put my file on our ftp site in case it is just a problem with that file:


Dear @oleson, Thank you for sharing the file when I replaced your map file in place of my map file, the procedure of making the surface file went a little ahead please find the attached screenshot files.

I think the problem is coming up with my map files. So I am sharing the files which will be generated while creating the mapfiles. The PET0.RegridWeightGen.Log it is showing as

20221113 004641.266 INFO PET0 !!! FOR PRODUCTION RUNS, USE: !!!
20221113 004641.266 INFO PET0 !!! ESMF_LOGKIND_Multi_On_Error !!!
20221113 004641.266 INFO PET0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20221113 004641.266 INFO PET0 Running with ESMF Version : 8.0.1
20221113 004641.266 INFO PET0 ESMF library build date/time: "Oct 25 2022" "23:43:03"
20221113 004641.266 INFO PET0 ESMF library build location : /scratch/civil/phd/cez218275/esmf_8_0_1/esmf-ESMF_8_0_1
20221113 004641.266 INFO PET0 ESMF_COMM : mpiuni
20221113 004641.267 INFO PET0 ESMF_NETCDF : enabled
20221113 004641.267 INFO PET0 ESMF_PNETCDF : disabled
20221113 004641.267 INFO PET0 ESMF_PIO : disabled
20221113 004641.267 INFO PET0 ESMF_YAMLCPP : enabled
20221113 004641.267 INFO PET0 ESMF_MOAB : enabled
20221113 004652.286 INFO PET0 Finalizing ESMF

As we can see above ESMF_PNETCDF and ESMF_PIO were disabled. Is it necessary to enable them?

The modules which support the ESMF to produce mapfiles nco, ncl are showing an error like below

nco_err_exit(): ERROR Short NCO-generated message (usually name of function that triggered error): nco__open()
nco_err_exit(): ERROR Error code is -51. nco_err_exit(): ERROR Short NCO-generated message (usually name of function that triggered error): nco__open()
nco_err_exit(): ERROR Error code is -51. Translation into English with nc_strerror(-51) is "NetCDF: Unknown file format"
Translation into English with nc_strerror(-51) is "NetCDF: Unknown file format"
warning:"/var/tmp/pbs.3275838.pbshpc" tmp dir does not exist or is not writable: NCL functionality may be limited -- check TMPDIR environment variable
^Mwarning:"/var/tmp/pbs.3275838.pbshpc" tmp dir does not exist or is not writable: NCL functionality may be limited -- check TMPDIR environment variable
^Mwarning:"/var/tmp/pbs.3275838.pbshpc" tmp dir does not exist or is not writable: NCL functionality may be limited -- check TMPDIR environment variable
^Mwarning:"/var/tmp/pbs.3275838.pbshpc" tmp dir does not exist or is not writable: NCL functionality may be limited -- check TMPDIR environment variable
^Mwarning:"/var/tmp/pbs.3275838.pbshpc" tmp dir does not exist or is not writable: NCL functionality may be limited -- check TMPDIR environment variable
^Mwarning:"/var/tmp/pbs.3275838.pbshpc" tmp dir does not exist or is not writable: NCL functionality may be limited -- check TMPDIR environment variable
^Mwarning:"/var/tmp/pbs.3275838.pbshpc" tmp dir does not exist or is not writable: NCL functionality may be limited -- check TMPDIR environment variable
^Mwarning:"/var/tmp/pbs.3275838.pbshpc" tmp dir does not exist or is not writable: NCL functionality may be limited -- check TMPDIR environment variable
^Mncl: v1hpg.c:212: v1h_get_nc_type: Assertion `type == 1 || type == 2 || type == 3 || type == 4 || type == 5 || type == 6 || type == 7 || type == 8 || type == 9 || type == 10 || type == 11 || type == 12' failed.
./ line 104: 24361 Aborted (core dumped) ${cmd}
warning:"/var/tmp/pbs.3275838.pbshpc" tmp dir does not exist or is not writable: NCL functionality may be limited -- check TMPDIR environment variable
^Mwarning:"/var/tmp/pbs.3275838.pbshpc" tmp dir does not exist or is not writable: NCL functionality may be limited -- check TMPDIR environment variable
^Mwarning:"/var/tmp/pbs.3275838.pbshpc" tmp dir does not exist or is not writable: NCL functionality may be limited -- check TMPDIR environment variable
^Mwarning:"/var/tmp/pbs.3275838.pbshpc" tmp dir does not exist or is not writable: NCL functionality may be limited -- check TMPDIR environment variable
^Mwarning:"/var/tmp/pbs.3275838.pbshpc" tmp dir does not exist or is not writable: NCL functionality may be limited -- check TMPDIR environment variable
^Mnco_err_exit(): ERROR Short NCO-generated message (usually name of function that triggered error): nco__open()
nco_err_exit(): ERROR Error code is -51. Translation into English with nc_strerror(-51) is "NetCDF: Unknown file format"
ncl: posixio.c:533: px_get: Assertion `extent < 2147483647' failed.
ncl: posixio.c:533: px_get: Assertion `extent < 2147483647' failed.
ncl: posixio.c:533: px_get: Assertion `extent < 2147483647' failed.
ncl: posixio.c:533: px_get: Assertion `extent < 2147483647' failed.
./ line 104: 13745 Aborted (core dumped) ${cmd}
./ line 104: 13751 Aborted (core dumped) ${cmd}
ncatted: posixio.c:464: px_get: Assertion `extent < 2147483647' failed.
ncatted: posixio.c:464: px_get: Assertion `extent < 2147483647' failed.
ncatted: posixio.c:464: px_get: Assertion `extent < 2147483647' failed.
./ line 104: 6488 Aborted (core dumped) ${cmd}
./ line 104: 6491 Aborted (core dumped) ${cmd}
./ line 104: 6489 Aborted (core dumped) ${cmd}

When I am submitting the job in my HPC.

Kindly let me know your comments on this.


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Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Only one of mine is disabled:

20221105 105849.186 INFO PET0 ESMF_PNETCDF : disabled
20221105 105849.186 INFO PET0 ESMF_PIO : enabled

I'm not sure if this is a problem or not.
@erik , do you have any ideas on this?


Erik Kluzek
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
The ESMF_PNETCDF and ESMF_PIO part is going to depend on how your ESMF library is built. If you built it yourself you could enable both of these, if you have a PNETCDF and PIO library to point to when making the build. If it was built for you by the system administrators of your system, you'd need to ask them to build a new version with these enabled. The thing you would expect by enabling them is possible increase in performance for the reading and writing of netCDF files. So it isn't strictly required. I'd only worry about it if your performance is too slow.

I think the NCO and NCL commands used here don't matter much. The first just adds some metadata to the files, so if there is a problem with it, it shouldn't matter functionally. The NCL likewise is doing a check to make sure there aren't any duplicated points. This was needed in past versions of ESMF, but shouldn't be required anymore.

It looks like the real issue is shown in your screenshot where it's trying to read in the lake grid/mask file and having trouble with that. I'd look into your mapping file for the 3x3min_MODISwCas grid/mask and see what looks incorrect there. It's complaining about mask_src, I would make sure the dimensions for that mapping file correspond correctly to the dataset as well as the grid you are running for. The mapping file is going to label them as mask_a, and mask_b. mask_a is the source grid "mask_src" and should correspond to the size of the data, while mask_b is the destination grid and should correspond to the size of your output grid.


Thank you for your reply @erik. I am attaching a google link that contains my and files.

map files - Google Drive

Kindly check these files and let me know what are the errors.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Both of those files have problems. For example, the last few elements of mask_a in are:

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1046891674, -1786417599,
1046891674, -1786417027, 1046891674, -1786417027, 1046891674,
-1786417599, 1046891674, -1786417027, 1046891674 ;

The values should be zero or one.
The other file, for example, appears to have NaNs in the area_a field.
So I guess I would go back to the process where you generated these mapping files and investigate.


Dear @oleson,
Right now, I am running the CLM5 using the I2000Clm50SpGs at 0.5-degree resolution for the Indian sub-continent (actually, I used the map files (360x720Cru) provided in the CESM input data directory. From these map files, I successfully created the domain and surface files). Now I am trying to change the atmosphere forcing data (I want to use ERA5 Land data, which is available at 0.1 degrees) for this compset. However, I cannot create domain and surface files from the map files I made in my institute HPC I am facing the same problem as stated above (my institute HPC team and I worked on it, but we still need to succeed at present). Please provide me the map files for the coordinates I share below. It would be beneficial for me if you could do this.

export N_LAT=42
export S_LAT=6
export E_LON=97.5
export W_LON=68
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