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Help with "what's wrong with it ? "

Dear CAM3 Users,

I want to run CAM3 in Linux-PC ( Dawning, 4 cpus ). The model can be built correctly. But when I go to run the model, the errors happened to me as follows:
Could anyone help me ? ( I don't how to do next)
Thanks in advance !

the outputs as follows:
0 Dawning
NCAR Community Atmospheric Model (CAM)
$Name: cam3_0_brnchT_p1 $
$Date: 2004/05/20 18:36:01 $
1 pes participating in computation
0 Dawning
NCAR Community Atmospheric Model (CAM)
$Name: cam3_0_brnchT_p1 $
$Date: 2004/05/20 18:36:01 $
1 pes participating in computation
0 Dawning
NCAR Community Atmospheric Model (CAM)
$Name: cam3_0_brnchT_p1 $
$Date: 2004/05/20 18:36:01 $
1 pes participating in computation
0 Dawning
NCAR Community Atmospheric Model (CAM)
$Name: cam3_0_brnchT_p1 $
$Date: 2004/05/20 18:36:01 $
DATE 06/27/06 TIME 20:51:06
DATE 06/27/06 TIME 20:51:06
DATE 06/27/06 TIME 20:51:06
DATE 06/27/06 TIME 20:51:06
scon set to fixed value of 1367000.000000000
Filename specifier for tape 1 =
Initial run
********** CASE = bingxing **********
AEROSOL_SETOPTS: feedback of prognostic sulfur aerosols is disabled
AEROSOL_SETOPTS: prognostic carbon aerosols are off
AEROSOL_SETOPTS: feedback of prognostic carbon aerosols is disabled
Time-variant boundary dataset (carbon emissions) is: co_emis
AEROSOL_SETOPTS: prognostic sea salt aerosols are off
AEROSOL_SETOPTS: feedback of prognostic sea salt aerosols is disabled
Initial run
********** CASE = bingxing **********

Initial dataset is:
History-file archive directory = /POLARIS/csm/bingxing/atm/hist/
Restart-file archive directory = /POLARIS/csm/bingxing/atm/rest/
Initial-file archive directory = /POLARIS/csm/bingxing/atm/init/
Time-variant boundary dataset (sst) is:
ENDRUN: called without a message string
[0] MPI Abort by user Aborting program !
[0] Aborting program!
p0_31249: p4_error: : 1
Time-variant boundary dataset (DMS emissions) is:
Time-variant boundary dataset (soil erodibility) is: soil_erod
Time-variant boundary dataset (oxidants) is:
Time-variant boundary dataset (SOx emissions) is:
Restart pointer file is: /disk1/polaris/cam2.bingxing.rpointer
Restart flag (NSREST) 0=no,1=yes,3=branch 0
Output files will NOT be disposed to Mass Store
Initial conditions history files will be written yearly.
Time filter coefficient (EPS) 0.060
DEL2 Horizontal diffusion coefficient (DIF2) 0.250E+06
DEL4 Horizontal diffusion coefficient (DIF4) 0.100E+17
Number of levels Courant limiter applied 5
Lowest level for dry adiabatic adjust (NLVDRY) 3
Frequency of Shortwave Radiation calc. (IRADSW) 3
Frequency of Longwave Radiation calc. (IRADLW) 3
Frequency of Absorptivity/Emissivity calc. (IRADAE) 36
Frequency of SST Initialization calc. (ITSST) 1
SST dataset will be reused for each model year
Snow will accumulate to a maximum over sea-ice
ICE dataset will be reused for each model year
OZONE dataset will be reused for each model year
Output files will be disposed ASYNCHRONOUSLY
divergence damper NOT invoked
Visible optical depth (tauback) = 0.000000000000000
(shr_orb_print) Orbital parameters calculated for year: AD 1950
ISCCP calcs and history IO will NOT be done
Problem factors: 2** 6 * 3** 0 * 5** 0
SPMDINIT_DYN: nprocs( 1 ) must be a multiple of 2
ENDRUN: called without a message string
[0] MPI Abort by user Aborting program !
[0] Aborting program!
p0_31246: p4_error: : 1
Time-variant boundary dataset (ozone) is:
Time-invariant (absorption/emissivity) factor dataset is:
Time-variant boundary dataset (aerosols) is:
Time-variant boundary dataset (carbonscale) is: bndtvcarbonscale
Time-variant boundary dataset (solar constant) is:
Time-variant boundary dataset (greenhouse gas surface values) is:
It seems that [at least] one of the processes that was started with
mpirun did not invoke MPI_INIT before quitting (it is possible that
Time-variant boundary dataset (volcanics) is:
more than one process did not invoke MPI_INIT -- mpirun was only
Initial run
********** CASE = bingxing **********
notified of the first one, which was on node n0
Initial dataset is:

mpirun can *only* be used with MPI programs (i.e., programs that
invoke MPI_INIT and MPI_FINALIZE). You can use the "lamexec" program
to run non-MPI programs over the lambooted nodes.
History-file archive directory = /POLARIS/csm/bingxing/atm/hist/
Restart-file archive directory = /POLARIS/csm/bingxing/atm/rest/
Initial-file archive directory = /POLARIS/csm/bingxing/atm/init/
Time-variant boundary dataset (sst) is:
Time-variant boundary dataset (ozone) is:
Time-invariant (absorption/emissivity) factor dataset is:
Time-variant boundary dataset (aerosols) is:
Time-variant boundary dataset (carbonscale) is: bndtvcarbonscale
Time-variant boundary dataset (solar constant) is:
Time-variant boundary dataset (greenhouse gas surface values) is:
Time-variant boundary dataset (volcanics) is:
Aerosol Optics dataset is:
Time-variant boundary dataset (carbon emissions) is: co_emis
Time-variant boundary dataset (DMS emissions) is:
Time-variant boundary dataset (soil erodibility) is: soil_erod
Time-variant boundary dataset (oxidants) is:
Time-variant boundary dataset (SOx emissions) is:
Restart pointer file is: /disk1/polaris/cam2.bingxing.rpointer

Restart flag (NSREST) 0=no,1=yes,3=branch 0
Output files will NOT be disposed to Mass Store
Initial conditions history files will be written yearly.
Time filter coefficient (EPS) 0.060
DEL2 Horizontal diffusion coefficient (DIF2) 0.250E+06
DEL4 Ho DEL4 Horizontal diffusion coefficient (DIF4) 0.100E+17
p0_31248: p4_error: interrupt SIGx: 15
Aerosol Optics dataset is:
p0_31247: p4_error: interrupt SIGx: 15