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How best to save initial conditions of a model run?


Teo Price-Broncucia
New Member
Hello, I hope this is a relatively simply question but I am a CESM newcomer. I would like to save and access the initial conditions of the F2000climo compset to start another compset from the same values. Is the best way to do this through the restart file functionality? If so, would one set $REST_N to 0? Or is there another way to access this? Thank you!


Cecile Hannay
AMWG Liaison
Staff member
When you say how to "save the initial conditions", I am not sure you want to save the ic from cam (the *.i.* file) or the restart files. I am going to assume it is the first. If not please let me know.

The namelist variable inithist allows you to change the frequency that initial files will be output
Default: 'YEARLY'

Let's say you want daily initial files. You need to add
inithist='daily' to the file user_nl_cam


Teo Price-Broncucia
New Member
Hi Cecile,
Thanks for the quick response. My thought was I wanted to use the restart files, based on this quote "Restart files are used to either exactly restart the model or to serve as initial conditions for other model cases." And I would like to use it as initial conditions for a different model case. But the distinction between restart files and initial files is not entirely clear to me. What is the intended use for the initial files?

If you save the "initial files", using inithist='daily' for instance, does it save the variables prior to any simulation being run or would the first file be saved after one day?

Thank you!


Teo Price-Broncucia
New Member
I have tried to set the initial files but they do not seem to start at the beginning of the run. When using the inithist='DAILY' option the first file would appear to be at the beginning of the second day. Any advice on how to get a file with the conditions at the beginning of the run (inclusive of any perturbations)? I've run into similar issues with the restart files. If the restart interval is 1 day then they seem to start writing after the first day.
