The variable NHTFRQ allows to write different frequency for each history files.
NHTFRQ(1) sets the frequency in the history file "*.h0.*.nc"
NHTFRQ(2) sets the frequency in the history file "*.h1.*.nc"
and so on...
If you output several history files you willl need to define the fields you want to include in the history files other than "*.h0.*.nc". (The default history fileds are only set for "*.h0.*.nc")
For this purpose, you should use the namelist variables FINCL
FINCL1 adds fields in the history file "*.h0.*.nc"
FINCL2 adds fields in the history file "*.h1.*.nc"
and so on...
If you save daily output, you may want to save the output in the "*.h1.*.nc" and not "*.h0.*.nc"
Then, you can do a careful selection of the fields you want to save daily and this way you can avoid to have too many big files.
Notice that the variable MFILT allows you to define the number of timesteps to write in each history files.
Here is an example:
fincl2 = 'U', 'V', 'T', 'Q', 'CLOUD'
nhtfrq = 0, -24
mfilt = 1, 10
In this example, you save monthly means in the file "*.h0.*.nc" all the default history variables.
You save daily means in the file "*.h1.*.nc" for the variables 'U', 'V', 'T', 'Q', 'CLOUD'.