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How can I get the mapping weights by SCRIP?


New Member
I want to run CCSM3 with different topography data.

I know there are 5 sets of mapping weights read by the Coupler:
bilinear and conservative mapping for atm to ocn grids;
bilinear and conservative mapping for ocn to atm grids;
conservative remapping for the river to ocn grids;

I don't how to get the atm gird file and ocn grid file which SCRIP can recognise.
It's seem there is particular format for SCRIP.
who can tell me how to create mapping among the three parts.....
iIf you have SCRIP src from lanl after untar, it has a sub dir named grid in which there exits a program POPT.f which will serve your purpose.

scs_wy said:
Unfortunately I didn't find any file to convert POP grid to nc.
I guess I should make nc by matlab.