What version of the code are you using?
CESM2.2.2 on Derecho
Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?
Yes. I revised physpkg.F90 to output climate before and after coupling within one model step.
Describe every step you took leading up to the problem:
I am running an AMIP-type simulation.
I revised physpkg.F90 by adding lines like:
call outfld('T_bCP',state%t,pcols,lchnk)
at the end of subroutine tphysbc, and:
call outfld('T_aCP',state%t,pcols,lchnk)
near the begining of subroutine tphysac.
Describe your problem or question:
I want to see how temperature (and other variables) changes due to coupling so I output the climate before and after coupling in the sequence of integration. However, the temperature (the lowest level in sigma-p coordinate) seems identical (the difference is exactly 0 in MATLAB) in two outputs, suggesting that coupling does not change temperature. It is quite odd. I also tested other processes, such as convection scheme, and I can see tempeature changing before and after those processes.
Do I misunderstand the coupling in CESM? Could anyone help me? I have attached the revised file.
CESM2.2.2 on Derecho
Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?
Yes. I revised physpkg.F90 to output climate before and after coupling within one model step.
Describe every step you took leading up to the problem:
I am running an AMIP-type simulation.
I revised physpkg.F90 by adding lines like:
call outfld('T_bCP',state%t,pcols,lchnk)
at the end of subroutine tphysbc, and:
call outfld('T_aCP',state%t,pcols,lchnk)
near the begining of subroutine tphysac.
Describe your problem or question:
I want to see how temperature (and other variables) changes due to coupling so I output the climate before and after coupling in the sequence of integration. However, the temperature (the lowest level in sigma-p coordinate) seems identical (the difference is exactly 0 in MATLAB) in two outputs, suggesting that coupling does not change temperature. It is quite odd. I also tested other processes, such as convection scheme, and I can see tempeature changing before and after those processes.
Do I misunderstand the coupling in CESM? Could anyone help me? I have attached the revised file.