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How does the compset I1850Clm50Bgc work?

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New Member
Dear CESM staff
I'd like to use the CLM model to simulate the spatial distribution of soil carbon content and soil carbon storage in a certain study area. And there are a few questions may be too foolish but troubled me a lot.
1. May I use the composet I1850Clm50Bgc to simulate the spatial distribution of soil carbon content and estimate soil carbon sotrage?
2. If the resolution of the input data sets are unified to a high resolution (1°*1°), dose the compset I1850clm50bgc work?(I1850clm50bgc supported 0.9*1.25 and 1.9*2.5)
3. I used to submit an case (composet I1850Clm50Bgc and cesm's inputdata) and got a *.nc file with "TOTECOSYSC/TOTSOMC/TOTVEGCC/TLAI/GPP/TWS/H2OSNO "these 7 parameters related to soil surface carbon density, is the *.nc file is the result?
4. How does the compset I1850Clm50Bgc work? I mean which mathematical formulas and which values in the inputdata sets are used to calculate TOTECOSYSC, like this?
Looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much!


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
1. Yes
2. I don't understand the question, sorry
4. The I1850Clm50Bgc compset (and in generat any Clm50Bgc compset) invokes the full CLM5.0 model with biogeochemistry. There are literally hundreds of equations and numerous input data needed to calculate TOTECOSYSC. The technical note contains information on this:

There is other CLM information here, including tutorials and lectures about biogeochemistry in CLM5:

CESM2 Community Land Model - CLM5

Information about the CESM2 Community Land Model - CLM5
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