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How to add new variable in the namelist


Pappu Paul
New Member
Hi I am using CESM2.1.5,

I want to know what is the general procedure to add missing parameters in the namelist_definition.xml. For example, Low skewness in C6rt skewness function: clubb_C6rt is not available in the namelist_definition.xml for CESM version 2.1.5.

Is it work if I write clubb_C6rt inside namelist_definition.xml according to the other variables there? And later from case directory I will set the appropriate value using user_nl_cam?
This is particular to CAM, so I'm going to move it to that forum.

But, it's also a somewhat general question, that I'll give an answer for. If there is a variable in the FORTRAN code that is NOT in the namelist_definition file -- yes you can just add it there. The order technically doesn't matter -- but it's good to put it near the other clubb variables. The namelist definition file should just define the variable with the datatype and settings as the FORTRAN code defines it. So yes I usually copy one of the other variables and then change what needs to change for the one I'm adding.

Once, it's in the namelist definition file you'll be able to add it to user_nl_cam and it'll show up in the namelist group you added it to in the...


Erik Kluzek
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
This is particular to CAM, so I'm going to move it to that forum.

But, it's also a somewhat general question, that I'll give an answer for. If there is a variable in the FORTRAN code that is NOT in the namelist_definition file -- yes you can just add it there. The order technically doesn't matter -- but it's good to put it near the other clubb variables. The namelist definition file should just define the variable with the datatype and settings as the FORTRAN code defines it. So yes I usually copy one of the other variables and then change what needs to change for the one I'm adding.

Once, it's in the namelist definition file you'll be able to add it to user_nl_cam and it'll show up in the namelist group you added it to in the namelist definition file (which should agree with the namelist that it's added to in the FORTRAN code).
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Pappu Paul
New Member
This is particular to CAM, so I'm going to move it to that forum.

But, it's also a somewhat general question, that I'll give an answer for. If there is a variable in the FORTRAN code that is NOT in the namelist_definition file -- yes you can just add it there. The order technically doesn't matter -- but it's good to put it near the other clubb variables. The namelist definition file should just define the variable with the datatype and settings as the FORTRAN code defines it. So yes I usually copy one of the other variables and then change what needs to change for the one I'm adding.

Once, it's in the namelist definition file you'll be able to add it to user_nl_cam and it'll show up in the namelist group you added it to in the namelist definition file (which should agree with the namelist that it's added to in the FORTRAN code).
Hi Erik,
Thank your reply, I tried and it worked
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